发布时间:2018-03-21 12:05
本文选题:同光十三绝 切入点:京剧 出处:《苏州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 《同光名伶十三绝》是京剧史上重要的戏曲图画史料。图中人物由清代画家沈蓉圃所绘,为清同治、光绪年间的十三位名伶。他们是技艺非凡的表演艺术家,并且都是京剧诞生的奠基人。此前的研究多从个人入手,未有将“十三绝”作为整体加以考察。本论文以京剧史上珍贵的图画史料《同光名伶十三绝》中所绘的演员作为研究对象,整体考察他们在当时的演出情况,并对他们在唱腔、身段、教育、演出制度等方面所作出的贡献加以评述。全文共分为四章。第一章:总论十三绝时代中国剧坛的情况。昆、弋、秦、梆、徽、汉等剧种次第献艺京城,催生出消融其它剧种程度更高的京剧。第二章:对“十三绝”的名称进行考证,指明“十三绝”图像是借“十三”之数字,集单人画像而成,并以行当分述十三绝,每个人的生平,演剧特点,擅演剧目,对丰富本行剧目、程式等所做的贡献。第三章论述十三绝等京剧艺人在吸收花雅精髓的基础上对剧坛旧貌的扭转。分为主要行当由旦转为生-尤以老生行为首、剧目内容的扩大、艺术重心的挪移、审美取向的扭转四个方面。第四章分析十三绝对京剧发展所做出的独创性贡献:唱腔的确立、演出体制的创新、科班的设立、剧坛地位的巩固四个方面。
[Abstract]:"Tongguang Ming Ling 13" is an important historical history of opera pictures in the history of Peking Opera. The characters in the picture are drawn by Shen Rongpu, a painter in the Qing Dynasty. They are 13 actors in the period of Guang Xu's reign. They are outstanding performing artists. And they are all the founders of the birth of Peking Opera. Previous studies have mostly focused on individuals. This thesis takes the actors and actresses in the history of Peking Opera "Tongguang Ming Ling 13" as the research object, and reviews their performances at that time, and sings about them. The full text is divided into four chapters. Chapter one: an overview of the situation in the Chinese theatrical arena in the 13 absolute era. Kun, Yu, Qin, Bang, Hui, Han, and other kinds of operas are secondary to the performing capital city. Chapter two: a textual study of the name of "13 absolute", indicating that the "13 absolute" image was created by the number "13", a collection of portraits of a single person, and 13 in line. Each person's life, acting characteristics, good at performing repertoire, to enrich their own repertoire, The third chapter discusses 13 Peking Opera artists who, on the basis of absorbing the essence of flower elegance, turn over the old look of the opera world. It is divided into two parts: the main business is changed from Dan to live-especially the behavior of the old, and the content of the repertoire is expanded. The 4th chapter analyzes the original contributions made by the development of absolute Beijing Opera in 13: the establishment of singing, the innovation of performance system, the establishment of science classes, and the consolidation of the status of the opera world.
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4 翁偶虹;泛谈“十三绝”[J];中国京剧;1992年02期
5 杨连启;关于《同光十三绝像画》[J];中国京剧;2004年12期