发布时间:2018-04-17 19:54
本文选题:八角鼓岔曲 + 车王府曲本 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:清代文学集古今文体之大成,各种文体竞相斗艳,当时处于统治地位的满族文化和文学也开出了绚烂的花朵,岔曲就是其中的一支奇葩。岔曲是清代中期产生和发展的艺术形式,是根植于北京的民族民间文化遗产,是旗人艺术和民人艺术的结合。“车王府曲本”是清代蒙古喀尔喀赛音诺彦部的车布登札布王爷家中原有的戏曲曲艺的钞本,散落之后于1925年由北京孔德学校购得并委托顾颉刚先生整理。自此,车王府曲本逐渐进入了广大票友和学者的视野。《清车王府藏曲本》是目前已经出版的车王府曲本总集和选本中规模最大的版本。其中所存的岔曲曲目数多,质量高,是研究岔曲的重要文本依据。该篇论文就是在《清车王府藏曲本》的基础上,研究其中收录的岔曲,并探讨岔曲艺术的艺术特点及生存现状。 本文共分四章。第一章考察了子弟八角鼓岔曲的历史文化背景。岔曲是旗人文化与民人文化相互影响的产物,因此文中交代了满族的历史和文化,作为岔曲研究的背景。其次,本章中介绍了岔曲的产生和发展状况,交代岔曲从何处来,走过了怎么样的发展道路。本章还阐述了论文采取的主要研究方法,为后文的研究作出了铺垫。 第二章进入论文的主体部分。首先介绍了岔曲的基本体制,并在此基础上对《清车王府藏曲本》中所存岔曲进行文本细读,将曲本目录进行了重新编排,进而具体分析岔曲的内容和形式方面的特点。车王府所存岔曲在内容上十分丰富,在形式上也颇为讲究,除了常见的格式以外,岔曲还有其独特之处,这些岔曲之所以为岔曲的重要方面,都在第二章中集中进行了考察。当然,保存岔曲的曲本并非仅有车王府曲本。为了全面起见,论文还在第二章列举了其他一些具有代表性的曲本来比较研究。包括乾隆六十年的俗曲总集《霓裳续谱》;嘉庆、道光年间俗曲总集《白雪遗音》;清宫升平署的剧本箱内拾获的御览钞本《升平署岔曲》;相比较后发现,从所列举的三个曲本来看,所藏曲目都不及车王府岔曲多,而曲词格调上看,有典雅的宫廷御用钞本,有贴近生活的社会下层曲本,也有知识分子存乎其中的选取。车王府藏曲本中的岔曲可谓是相对丰富和全面的岔曲本子。《清车王府藏曲本》中所存的曲本大都产生流传于十八世纪中叶至十九世纪末(乾隆至光绪年间),这一时期与岔曲的发展阶段基本吻合,因此,以车王府所藏的曲本为例来研究岔曲,更具有全面性和概括性。 第三章探讨了岔曲与其他曲艺形式的关系。这一章首先简单梳理了中国历史上的音乐与文学的关系,从而从大的枝系上引出岔曲的历史渊源。第二节中缩小范围阐述了岔曲与八角鼓体系之间的关系。岔曲属于子弟八角鼓体系中的重要一员并在其中扮演着非常重要的角色。而在八角鼓体系之外,清代的岔曲与元代的散曲也有着可相参照研究之处。第三节把岔曲与元散曲进行了对比研究。因为岔曲与元代散曲属于“曲”,此二者之间必定有着可相参照研究之处。从学术的角度看,元散曲的体系构架和理论业已成熟,而岔曲的研究尚且青涩,从元散曲的研究方法上,可供岔曲借鉴。 第四章从票房这一载体入手探讨了岔曲在当代的生存环境和保护发展之道。票房是岔曲生存的重要环境和载体,对于岔曲在票房中的生存状态的考察,有助于在现实土壤中对岔曲的研究和探索。从未来的角度看,岔曲重要的不是发展而是传承。我们对其所做的研究的落脚点就在于怎样更好的保护和传承岔曲,使得后代能像享受唐诗宋词元曲那样原汁原味地感受清代的文化和韵味,享受岔曲带给我们的内心的丰富和文化的积淀。
[Abstract]:This paper is the folk cultural heritage in the middle of Qing Dynasty , which is the combination of Chinese folk culture and folk art .
In chapter 1 , the historical and cultural background of the Han nationality is discussed in the first chapter . The paper deals with the history and culture of the Manchu people , which is the background of the study of the turnout . Secondly , this chapter introduces the generation and development of the turnout , and how to develop the road . This chapter also expounds the main research methods adopted in the paper , and makes a cushion for the research of the later .
The second chapter introduces the main part of the paper . Firstly , the paper introduces the basic structure of the turnout , and then rearranges the contents and forms of the turnout . Besides the common format , the paper also gives a detailed analysis of the contents and forms of the turnout . In addition to the common formats , the paper also gives a detailed analysis of the contents and forms of the turnout .
Jiaqing , Daoguang Period Common Qu Yuan Qu Yuan Qu Yuan Yin Yi ;
In the play box of the Qinggong Shengping Department , the cash register is picked up in the script box ;
After comparing , it is found that , from the three listed songs , the hidden repertoire is less than that of Wang Fu Qu , while the tune of Qu Ci shows that there are elegant palace imperial money books , and there are also intellectuals in the middle of the 18th century .
In chapter 3 , the relationship between turnout and other forms of music is discussed . The relationship between the music and literature in China ' s history is first introduced in this chapter . The relationship between the turnout and the eight - angle drum system is discussed in the second section . The bifurcation and the Yuan Dynasty ' s prose also play a very important role in the second section .
From the perspective of the future , it is not the development but the inheritance of the important environment and the carrier of the turnout . From the perspective of the future , the importance of the turnout is not the development but the inheritance . From the perspective of the future , the point of the study is how to protect and inherit the bifurcation , so that the descendants can enjoy the culture and flavor of the Qing Dynasty like the Yuan Qu of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty , and enjoy the rich and cultural accumulation of the frog .
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