[Abstract]:In 1843, Shanghai was forced to open a port to the West. Western invaders, such as Britain, France, and the United States, successively established concessions in Shanghai. Western ideological, cultural and artistic forms poured into Shanghai as an international metropolis under the capitalist market economy in the early 20th century. In order to strive for the greatest economic benefit for themselves in the fierce market competition, the Beijing Opera actors and theater operators in Shanghai have put the marketing concept into the market management of Beijing Opera. The core of their marketing philosophy is to "understand the audience's psychology to meet the needs of the market." under the guidance of this concept, Beijing Opera practitioners from drama production to drama management in Shanghai have taken effective marketing measures. It has obtained economic benefits and the prosperity of the Peking Opera market, changed the appearance of Beijing opera, created a number of outstanding actors and excellent repertoire, and left valuable wealth for future generations. There are also problems and drawbacks in the marketing of Beijing opera in Shanghai in the early 20th century. To pay too much attention to commercial interests and damage to the value of art as the main. These successful experiences and lessons of history are of great significance for reference today. Nowadays, Shanghai Beijing Opera Academy and Yifu stage have inherited the ideas of their predecessors, attached great importance to Beijing Opera marketing, and made some achievements, but there are still many problems to be solved in the marketing of opera. Today, opera is facing a market crisis, the process of opera marketization is urgent, in order to achieve market prosperity, modern marketing is an indispensable means. Learning from history, it is an important task for the future development of opera to find out the marketing methods suitable for opera.
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