[Abstract]:Pingxiang Tea Picking Opera, the popular name Flower Drum Opera, the Tea Picking Opera and the three foot class, is a branch of Jiangxi Tea Picking Opera. It has a unique style, strong flavor and strong local flavor. It is popular in Pingxiang city and its neighboring counties. Yichun, Tonggu, Ninggang and other counties. The Pingxiang tea music is developed on the basis of the Pingxiang folk songs, tea lantern songs and minor notes.
In this paper, the theories of phonetics, dialects and phonology are studied, and the methods of description, comparison, investigation, analysis, and recording are used. The information, records, collation and analysis of the phonetic system of the Tea Picking Opera in Pingxiang are collected and recorded as far as possible by searching for information and field investigation.
Through the comparison and analysis of the synchronic and diachronic levels, this paper reveals the relationship between the Pingxiang Tea Picking Opera and the native language, so as to discuss the language characteristics of the Pingxiang Tea Picking Opera. In the practical sense, this study can help the operas from the angle of phonetics and phonology to understand the phonetic system and its characteristics of the Pingxiang Tea Picking Opera. In terms of the theoretical significance, this article will discuss the linguistic features of the Pingxiang Tea Picking Opera, which is related to the native natural language, the national common language and the mother language of the actor. This study provides the price for the social and cultural linguistics. Reference of value.
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