[Abstract]:Opera art film is an important form of the combination of opera and modern media. It shows Chinese traditional art through the technical means of film. Based on the definition of the concept, this paper analyzes the possibility of the combination of Beijing opera and film, combs the history of its development, and generalizes the change of Beijing opera from stage to screen, taking the art film of Beijing opera as an example. This paper analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of different types and subjects of Beijing Opera art films shot under different background, explains the aesthetic characteristics of Beijing opera art films, analyzes the experience of methods in shooting, and summarizes the common features and historical significance of different films. In particular, taking the generally recognized films as an example, this paper probes into the artistic rules in the creation of Beijing Opera art films, and puts forward three creative principles: "large freehand brushwork, small realism", "writing feelings, writing scenery, writing the trinity of people" and "poetic rhythm". The conclusion is that on the premise of respecting the law of opera art, on the basis of maintaining the artistic style of freehand brushwork of opera art, the unity of lens language and opera art Noumenon can be achieved on the basis of poetic aesthetic orientation.
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