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发布时间:2018-07-26 10:47
【摘要】:产生于东北田间地头的民间艺术形式二人转已经有近三百年的历史,因其本身带有强盛的生长力和韧性,被民间称为“碾不死的车轱辘菜”。在这一漫长的历史轨迹中,二人转经过传统民间、专业、都市三种不同时期的演变,成为目前以娱乐性为主题,以片段性和综艺性为演绎特点的当代二人转。这一形式的二人转带着其本土特征穿梭在城市空间中,成为颇受享用群体喜爱的大众文化形式。 本文将二人转现象置于费斯克大众文化理论视域下,在对当代二人转的文本分析中,结合费斯克的“生产者式文本”和大众辨识力的核心判断标准——相关性进行探讨,使从传统二人转到当代二人转的转变过程中产生的诸多改变有了存在的价值;在对当代二人转与其享用群体的生活境遇和精神世界之间关系的探讨中,结合费斯克阐释大众文化现象时所使用的狂欢理论,使当代二人转的狂欢性质得以体现,即:全民狂欢性;“加脱冕”所指代的对变动和更新过程的赞扬;对现有价值观和思维模式的颠覆以及对多元和冲突的追求。
[Abstract]:The folk art form, produced in the Northeast field, has a history of nearly three hundred years. Because of its strong growth and toughness itself, it is called the "wheel undead wheel dish". In this long historical track, the two people turn through the three different periods of traditional folk, special industry and city. The entertainment is the theme of the contemporary duet with the features of fragmentary and variety. This form of duet, with its native features, becomes a popular popular culture in the urban space.
This paper puts the phenomenon of the duet in the view of Fiske's popular culture theory, and discusses the relevance of the "producer style text" and the core judgment standard of the public identification in the text analysis of the contemporary duet, and makes many changes from the traditional duet to the transformation of the contemporary two people. The value of existence, in the discussion of the relationship between the living situation and the spiritual world of the contemporary duet and its enjoyment of the group, and the revelry theory used by Fiske to explain the phenomenon of mass culture so as to embody the carnival nature of the contemporary duet, that is, the carnival of the people and the change and renewal of the "Coronation". Praise of process; subversion of existing values and modes of thinking and pursuit of pluralism and conflict.


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3 辛泓霏;张雷;;浅析二人转的发展路程[J];北方音乐;2010年07期

4 张常信;;话说车轱辘菜[J];东北史地;2004年04期

5 王蒙;;赵本山的“文化革命”[J];读书;2009年04期

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7 吴宪忠;李景富;;现代文本研究综述[J];情报科学;2008年08期

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9 李宏岩;;东北二人转研究综述[J];沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版);2010年03期

10 陆道夫;狂欢理论与约翰·菲斯克的大众文化研究[J];外国文学研究;2002年04期

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