[Abstract]:Chen Delin, a famous Beijing opera actor in the late Qing Dynasty, is known as Qingyi Tai Dou. Guang Xu was selected for 16 years as "Folk nationality Teaching and Learning", began more than 30 years of performance in the palace, is active in the late Qing court opera stage Dan actor representative character. This experience is of great significance to his personal and Peking Opera skills. However, the current academic research on this topic is very few, and the choice of material type is single, the folk historical data is the majority, but less attention is paid to the more authoritative court archives, which makes the research lack of history and comprehensiveness. The author innovates and verifies each other and complements each other by combining various materials such as "F", "Folk Pear Garden Historical Materials", "Beijing Opera Records" and so on. Striving to comprehensively show Chen Delin's activities and status in the art world, focusing on the record of the court in the palace, the situation of reward and punishment, the performance of the repertoire, the relevant script, the records and the folk anecdotes, the overall appearance of Chen Delin's late Qing court opera activities was presented in three dimensions. To enrich and enrich the research of Chen Delin's opera performance, it also has the filling significance to the history of Chinese Peking opera and the history of late Qing court opera.
【作者单位】: 山东艺术学院音乐学院理论教研室;
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