发布时间:2018-08-24 11:31
【摘要】: 在莫扎特短暂的生涯中,一共写了600多部音乐作品,所有的音乐体裁无不涉猎。对于每一种体裁莫扎特都游刃有余,佳作辈出,在西方音乐史中只有莫扎特被公认为稀世奇才,而莫扎特的主要成就首推歌剧。莫扎特曾明确的表示:“我最强烈和最炙热的愿望是为戏剧而创作,这种思想不断地缠绕我,只要一踏入剧院,或听别人谈论歌剧,我就无法克制自己。” 歌剧从佛罗伦萨诞生之后,经历了佛罗伦萨、罗马、那不勒斯和威尼斯四个乐派的繁荣发展时期,又经历了格鲁克卓有成效的改革,逐渐演化为正歌剧和喜歌剧两种形式。一般来讲,在莫扎特之前,正歌剧的音乐家都习惯从古代神话和宗教中寻找题材,这样的作品通常可以营造出圣神庄严的舞台气氛,也有助于人们追求理想中的爱情和情感,但这一切毕竟离现实太远,莫扎特的喜歌剧取材新颖,富有时代感,他注重角色性格的刻画和内心情感的表述,他巧妙地将音乐的旋律结构和戏剧情节完美地连接,使其成为名副其实的歌唱戏剧艺术。 本论文从贵族和平民两个立足点出发,分析了莫扎特三部喜歌剧中的女性人物。把贵族女性的人物形象、音乐特征,以及平民女性的人物形象和音乐特征做了详细的比较分析,从中找出莫扎特女性角色的演唱风格,使我们在今后的教学和学习中更好得把握莫扎特歌剧的精髓。
[Abstract]:In his short career, Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music, all of which dabbled in all musical genres. Mozart has a good work for every genre. In the history of western music, only Mozart is recognized as a rare talent, and Mozart's main achievement is opera. Mozart once made it clear: "my strongest and hottest desire is to write for drama, and the idea is constantly twisting around me, and as soon as I step into the theatre or listen to other people talking about opera, I can't restrain myself." After the birth of the opera from Florence, experienced the prosperity of Florence, Rome, Naples and Venice, and went through the fruitful reform of Gruk, and gradually evolved into two forms of opera and opera. Generally speaking, prior to Mozart, opera musicians were accustomed to looking for subjects from ancient myths and religions, which usually created a solemn stage atmosphere for the Holy Spirit and helped people to pursue the ideal of love and emotion. But all this is too far from reality, Mozart's opera is novel, rich with a sense of the times, he pays attention to the portrayal of character and the expression of inner feelings, he cleverly links the melodic structure of music with the dramatic plot. Make it a true art of singing drama. This paper analyzes the female characters in Mozart's three operas from two standpoints: aristocrat and commoner. This paper makes a detailed comparison and analysis of the figures, musical features, characters and music features of the aristocratic women, and finds out the singing style of Mozart's female characters. So that we in the future teaching and learning better grasp the essence of Mozart opera.
[Abstract]:In his short career, Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music, all of which dabbled in all musical genres. Mozart has a good work for every genre. In the history of western music, only Mozart is recognized as a rare talent, and Mozart's main achievement is opera. Mozart once made it clear: "my strongest and hottest desire is to write for drama, and the idea is constantly twisting around me, and as soon as I step into the theatre or listen to other people talking about opera, I can't restrain myself." After the birth of the opera from Florence, experienced the prosperity of Florence, Rome, Naples and Venice, and went through the fruitful reform of Gruk, and gradually evolved into two forms of opera and opera. Generally speaking, prior to Mozart, opera musicians were accustomed to looking for subjects from ancient myths and religions, which usually created a solemn stage atmosphere for the Holy Spirit and helped people to pursue the ideal of love and emotion. But all this is too far from reality, Mozart's opera is novel, rich with a sense of the times, he pays attention to the portrayal of character and the expression of inner feelings, he cleverly links the melodic structure of music with the dramatic plot. Make it a true art of singing drama. This paper analyzes the female characters in Mozart's three operas from two standpoints: aristocrat and commoner. This paper makes a detailed comparison and analysis of the figures, musical features, characters and music features of the aristocratic women, and finds out the singing style of Mozart's female characters. So that we in the future teaching and learning better grasp the essence of Mozart opera.
相关硕士学位论文 前2条
1 杜晓霞;歌剧《女人心》中三位女高音角色的分析与演绎[D];山西大学;2012年
2 周悦;多尼采蒂歌剧中经典女性角色的研究[D];山东师范大学;2012年