[Abstract]:The drama "the past in Northeast China" does not want to tell the story of mafia. The creator wants to look back at his past and face his present together with everyone who sees it. In the second scene of the drama the Northeast past, Li Yapeng, sitting in the dark audience, cried. After the performance, he found the director, Rao Xiaozhi, and said he remembered his youth and the first fight when his brother was in front of him. He was in charge of looking at the bag behind him, shaking his legs. " Every man, when he watches the play, takes his seat and thinks back to himself. Because it's about rivers and lakes, men have dreams. " (Rao Xiaozhi) this 2-hour-50-minute play is based on the northeast past of Kong Er-dog 's novel of the same name. The original was published in the Tianya community in 2009, with 20 million points
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