发布时间:2018-11-11 15:42
【摘要】:中国的地方戏曲种类繁多且各具特色,而这种独特性正是源于各地区不同的社会历史环境和文化特点。地方戏曲评剧就是既具有中国戏曲通俗化、大众化的共性还极具文化个性。19世纪末,评剧在冀东社会萌芽,经过一百多年不断的发展,逐渐成为全国性的地方剧种,评剧艺术深深植根于冀东文化的沃土之中,骨子里透出冀东文化的精髓,同时她的文化张力和包容性极强,具有强大而旺盛的生命力,其支撑力就是评剧艺术的文化个性。而这与近代冀东社会历史有着密不可分的关系。 评剧是具有文化个性的艺术。文化个性是一事物区别于另一事物的内在规定性,是一个长期沉淀和演化的复杂过程,它会形成一种文化品格,经万变不离其宗的同时还要受到一定历史时期主流文化的影响。但是文化个性也和其它事物一样具有周期性,即积累、发展、衰落、再积累的过程,这是文化个性发展的内在规律。如果能够认识、把握和充分利用文化周期律,就能掌握发展的主动权。评剧艺术的发展史就是这个周期律的最好证明,也说明“学我者生,,像我者亡”这一铁的艺术法则,经验和教训都同等的珍贵。 评剧是劳动人民集体智慧的结晶,保护和利用好这一宝贵的民族文化遗产意义重大。评剧也是维系河北文化认同的纽带和向心力,探讨其艺术特质,重视和关注评剧艺术的发展,对大力推进河北省文化建设意义重大。唐山地区拥有太多关于评剧的素材,但在过去的研究中,对评剧的研究从总体上看是较为薄弱的,而专门关于冀东评剧与近代社会历史的研究就更是语焉不详,本人是中国近代现代史专业的研究生,而作为评剧的家乡人,更有义务为评剧的继承和发展承担一份责任,更有义务认真分析和探究评剧的文化个性和艺术源泉,审时度势,抓住时机,使评剧艺术早日登上又一个新的高峰。 本文通过采用文献资料法、历史分析法、问卷调查法、比较法及经验总结法等方法,用四章内容分析评剧产生、发展的历史条件和社会环境,从文化艺术视角窥视了近代冀东地区的社会、历史状况和文化特点。并通过分析给近代冀东历史带来重要影响的大事件对评剧的影响,进一步归纳总结出冀东评剧与近代社会的关系,其目的就在于深入的汲取评剧成功的经验,从而发掘历史与文化的联系和相互作用,同时也为评剧的传承与创新尽一份力。 第一部分是论述冀东评剧的产生。首先分析了以唐山为中心城市的冀东社会为评剧孕育提供的历史、地理、人文风俗等诸多条件,其次是探究冀东唐山地区农民破产、城市近代化这些评剧产生所必需的社会条件和经济条件。进而确定冀东地区特定的社会历史条件给评剧的产生带来了深远的影响,评剧在冀东萌芽、生长起来是由近代冀东社会历史决定的。第二部分论述了冀东评剧的发展。阐述了面对近代冀东地区诸多的不利现象和制约因素,评剧艺术是如何在逆境中求生存、逆境中寻发展,变不利条件的压力为不断改革创新的动力,从而战胜各种势力的干扰和阻挠发展成熟起来,并阐明评剧如何在特殊的革命战争年代再次找到成长的土壤,很好的完成其作为宣传武器的历史使命,经过不懈努力最终成就伟业的。第三部分探究了评剧的艺术特色。首先分析了评剧作为“平民艺术”的大前提——具有草根儿性,作为民间艺术的评剧,不论从剧目选材还是舞台表现,无处不展现出冀东百姓的喜怒哀乐与审美情趣。其次分析了评剧艺术特色与冀东社会历史决定的审美意识的关系,即在剧目、表演、音乐方面同当年的审美保持了较高的同一性。第四部分是探究近代社会变革对评剧艺术的影响。首先分析了“五四”新文化运动与评剧艺术的关系,其次阐述近代社会变革对评剧剧目创作及艺术流派的影响,进而肯定了冀东的社会变革和重大历史事件对评剧的影响很是关键,尤其是对剧目创作思想的影响更具转折意义。 为使评剧艺术之花在社会主义市场经济的大环境中重现光彩,我们要做的就是研究历史、勇于实践。相信将来会有更多的同行、学者在评剧研究上,取得更加丰硕的成果。相信只要我们一同以振兴民族文化为己任,发扬老一辈艺术家呕心沥血、坚忍不拔的精神,贴近生活、贴近观众,评剧艺术一定会再度振兴。
[Abstract]:China's local opera has a great variety and its own characteristics, which is due to the different social and historical environment and cultural characteristics of the various regions. in that end of the 19th century, the show was in the bud of the eastern part of the Hebei province, and after more than a hundred years of development, it became a national play. The drama art is deeply rooted in the fertile soil of Jidong culture. It is the essence of the culture of Jidong in the bone. At the same time, her cultural tension and inclusiveness are strong, with strong and vigorous vitality, and the supporting force is the cultural character of the show art. This is closely related to the history of the modern Jidong society. It's a cultural personality. Art. The cultural individuality is the inherent regulation of one thing to another. It is a complex process of long-term precipitation and evolution. It forms a cultural character, and is subject to the mainstream culture of a certain period of time. However, the cultural individuality has the same periodicity as the other things, that is, the process of accumulation, development, decline and re-accumulation, which is the inner part of the development of the cultural personality Law. If you can recognize, grasp, and make full use of the periodic law of culture, you can master the development master The history of the drama art is the best proof of this periodic law, and the art law, experience and lesson of the 鈥淚'm going to be born, like I'm going to die.鈥
[Abstract]:China's local opera has a great variety and its own characteristics, which is due to the different social and historical environment and cultural characteristics of the various regions. in that end of the 19th century, the show was in the bud of the eastern part of the Hebei province, and after more than a hundred years of development, it became a national play. The drama art is deeply rooted in the fertile soil of Jidong culture. It is the essence of the culture of Jidong in the bone. At the same time, her cultural tension and inclusiveness are strong, with strong and vigorous vitality, and the supporting force is the cultural character of the show art. This is closely related to the history of the modern Jidong society. It's a cultural personality. Art. The cultural individuality is the inherent regulation of one thing to another. It is a complex process of long-term precipitation and evolution. It forms a cultural character, and is subject to the mainstream culture of a certain period of time. However, the cultural individuality has the same periodicity as the other things, that is, the process of accumulation, development, decline and re-accumulation, which is the inner part of the development of the cultural personality Law. If you can recognize, grasp, and make full use of the periodic law of culture, you can master the development master The history of the drama art is the best proof of this periodic law, and the art law, experience and lesson of the 鈥淚'm going to be born, like I'm going to die.鈥