[Abstract]:Zheng Bangzi cavity is a widely spread, big influence, the sound chamber system with many repertoire. When it spread to the southeast of China, it had an important influence on the formation and development of many operas. Only in Guangdong Province, the voices of Cantonese opera, Han opera, Chaoqu opera and so on were more or less integrated with the tune of Bangzi. Especially worth mentioning is the West Qin opera in Guangdong. Western Qin opera is an ancient and rare drama, also known as rambling drama, popular in Guangdong Haifeng, Lufeng, Chaoshan, southern Fujian and Taiwan and other places. The Western Qin Opera has a long history. It originated from the Western Qin Opera of Shaanxi in the Ming Dynasty. "among the artists, the Western Qin Opera came from the capital of Tongzhou, Shaanxi Province, according to the sea."
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院;
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