本文选题:中职教育 + 学前教育 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Music education plays an important role in educating people. Music education is an important responsibility for the development of children's aesthetic ability of art, and it is regarded as one of the five fields of kindergarten curriculum. Music education is a collection of artistic, practical and creative subjects. It is precisely because of its educational methods, educational content and the distinct characteristics of the educational process that it is an indispensable part of preschool education specialty. Preschool education is not only the beginning of life education, but also the initial stage of lifelong education. It is the main stage of habit formation and plays a fundamental, global and leading role. Music education meets the needs of the long-term development of preschool education. There are many problems in music teaching of preschool education in Xinjiang, which restrict the development of secondary vocational education and preschool education in Xinjiang. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter one: the introduction part, establishes the background and origin of the research, combs the current research situation at home and abroad, clarifies the significance, the main idea, the important viewpoint and the technical route of the research, and defines the concept of the related nouns. The second chapter discusses the necessity of music education in Urumqi secondary vocational education. This paper discusses the influence of music education on the development of preschool children, the basis and status of pre-school music education in Xinjiang, the elements of pre-vocational music education in our region, and the inevitable requirements of constructing harmonious region. The third chapter discusses the current situation of music teaching in pre-school education in Urumqi. This paper discusses the basic statistics and analysis of pre-school music major in Urumqi vocational school and the investigation of the present situation of pre-school music teaching. Chapter four: discusses the factors that affect the music teaching of pre-school education in Urumqi. This paper focuses on the students' own learning factors, teachers' factors, school factors and social factors. The fifth chapter discusses the suggestions to improve the effectiveness of music teaching in Urumqi preschool education. This paper discusses from three aspects: the creation of situation, the arrangement of hierarchical teaching based on personality and the establishment of group cooperation model. Chapter 6, Chapter 7: the further research is prospected, and the full text is summarized.
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