[Abstract]:Robert Schumann (Robert Schumann 1810-1856), 19 th century German outstanding composer, one of the representatives of romantic music. "Women's Love and Life" (Frauenliebeundleben) is written by Schumann on the basis of the German poet Shamisoe's poems, which describe the experiences of a woman and a lover from acquaintance to love, marriage and son to deceased husband. Although short and simple in structure, the work is full of poetry and is the true description of the hero's love and psychology. The first chapter mainly introduces the theme of "Women's Love and Life" and the sad mood in the lyrics. The second chapter analyzes the musical characteristics of women's love and life, and the forms of their works' sadness. The third chapter combines his own singing experience, from the singing to understand the sad nature of the work, further interpretation of Robert Schumann in the vocal music in the heart of the confiding.
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