[Abstract]:Guanxia, born in 1957, is one of the most famous contemporary composers in China. "Requiem of the Earth" is a large-scale symphonic work he created in 2008 by the propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Culture sent to the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area in Sichuan Province to experience life. Completed in 2009. It premiered at the Concert Hall of the Chinese Grand Theater on May 12, 2009. This paper intends to analyze and study the genre, tonal thinking, multi-sound structure, and the artistic and philosophical ideas of vocal music in this work. The article has four chapters, which can be divided into three parts. The first part is the first chapter, mainly focusing on the comparative study of Chinese and Western "Requiem" genre, divided into two sections, the first section describes the development of Chinese and Western Requiem, as well as the relationship between "Requiem" and Chinese folk funerary music art. The second section mainly studies how to use the structure of Requiem genre to create the Requiem genre. It expounds the reference of the works to the western Requiem genre and the sublimation of the Chinese folk funeral music art. The second part is mainly aimed at the composition technique level analysis research, including the second chapter tonality thinking characteristic and the third chapter multi-sound structure shape two chapters. The second chapter consists of four sections, the first section describes the overall musical structure and tonal layout of the work. The second section mainly analyzes and discusses the instrumental tonal thinking in the first movement and the second movement from the two aspects of the functional tonality structure and the color tonality structure. The third section mainly discusses the disunity of the first and last tone in the third and fourth movement. The fourth section mainly discusses the penetration of instrumental tonal thinking in the second movement. The third chapter of the multi-sound structure form also includes two sections. The first section mainly focuses on the analysis of the harmony language in the Requiem of the Earth, and carries on the functional harmony and the color harmony in the works. The application of functional harmony in Chinese pentatonic mode is analyzed, and the concrete structure of chord material in the works is classified and expounded. In the second section, the polyphonic texture formed between different musical instruments in the same musical species, the polyphonic texture formed between different music species, and the polyphonic texture formed in the mixed chorus are mainly analyzed from the angle of timbre between different music species. The polyphonic texture formed between vocal music and instrumental music is discussed in detail. The third part is the fourth chapter of this paper, in which, the first section expounds the vocal music art presented in Requiem of the Earth. The second section mainly expounds the philosophical thoughts implied in the work of the Requiem of the Earth. Through the research and analysis of the Requiem of the Earth, this paper attempts to interpret the Requiem of the Earth on the related level of composing techniques from the perspective of the Western Requiem, the Chinese Folk Requiem and the subject matter of the Chinese Professional Requiem.
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