威尔第歌剧男中音咏叹调演唱风格研究.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
新疆师范大学硕士学位论文威尔第歌剧男中音咏叹调演唱风格研究姓名:苏丹申请学位级别:硕士专业:音乐学指导教师:王蕾2009-06-08I中文摘要朱赛佩·威尔第是19世纪下半叶意大利最伟大的歌剧大师,在他一生创作的二十六部歌剧中,有六部歌剧由男中音担任第一主角。威尔第的歌剧创作推动了男中音声部的发展,使男中音在歌剧演出中的地位大幅提升。并且,威尔第的歌剧创作更加注重对人物内心的刻画和现实生活的写实,所以威尔第在歌剧中为我们塑造了很多深入人心的具有多重性格的人物形象。而其创作的男中音咏叹调,也极大的增强了戏剧性的张力,拓宽了男中音的音域,丰富了男中音音色的戏剧表现力。所以,在演唱威尔第的男中音咏叹调时,不论是在人物性格的把握还是在演唱技巧的处理上,都对演唱者提出了与以往作曲家不同的要求。文章通过对威尔第歌剧创作历程的梳理,得出其基本的歌剧创作理念。然后对威尔第的五部歌剧中五个具有代表性的男中音人物形象进行角色塑造的分析,并对每个人物的代表性咏叹调进行音乐本体分析,从而总结出每首作品的演唱风格。最后终总结梳理出,如何准确的把握威尔第歌剧中男中音咏叹调的演唱风格。文章分为六个部分:第一部分,绪论;第二部分,威尔第的生平及歌剧创作历程,通过对威尔第的生平和歌剧创作历程进行简单的梳理与总结,得出其基本的歌剧创作理念和不同时期的歌剧创作风格。第三部分,威尔第歌剧中男中音角色的塑造,通过分析威尔第的五部歌剧中五个具有代表性的男中音人物形象的角色塑造,总结出这五个人物形象在歌剧中的多重性格。第四部分,威尔第歌剧中五首代表性男中音咏叹调的演唱风格研究,通过对这五个人物形象代表性咏叹调的音乐分析,结合上一章人物性格塑造的分析,总结出每首咏叹调的演唱风格。第五部分,威尔第男中音歌剧咏叹调演唱风格的把握,总结梳理出在准确的把握威尔第歌剧中男中音咏叹调的演唱风格时,所要注重的多重性格人物的情感把握与强烈戏剧性和宽广音域下的技巧运用。第六部分,结语。关键词:威尔第, 男中音, 咏叹调, 演唱风格, IIAbstractGiuseppe·Verdi is greatest opera master of half page of 19th century in Italy. hecreated 26 operas in his life, six operas was starred by the baritone. Verdi’s opera push forward the development of baritone musical part, and promoted the place of baritone in opera. Further more, the Verdi’s opera pays great attention to describe the innermost feelings and real life. Verdi portrayed many images of multiplepersonality which filter into the hearts of the people. The baritone aria, which wrote by Verdi, also enhances theatrical tensity, opened up baritone's range, and enriched the expressive force of baritone timbre play. Therefore, when singer sings baritone aria, not only does know the characteristic, but also deal with vocal skill, higher requirement should be met. This article click b the creation process in order to obtain the basic creation idea of opera and try to analyze the five representatives of baritone character in the process of molding character, And to analyze five character's representative aria on music main body and analyses the singing style. Finally, this paper provides the solution to grasp the singing style of Veridi’s baritone timbre play.The paper is consist of six part: the first part, introduction, the second part, the introduction of Verdi and the process of creation, summarize the work and get the idea and style of opera creation, the third part analyze the five character andsummarize the multi-character of the image in the opera, the fourth part try to analyze the style of the singing and summarize the character of aria. The fifth part try to probe the skills which used by baritone in the Verdi’s aria opera. The last part is conclusion.Key words: Verdi, Baritone, Aria, Singing style 新疆师范大学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:日期:
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