发布时间:2017-04-28 14:11
【摘要】:关于音乐与语言的相似与不同之处的研究和争论由来已久。本文重点探究在何种程度上音乐音高处理能力与语言语调处理(尤其是模仿)能力相关。 本文第一章介绍关于音乐与语言关系的三种不同观点以及那些有助于理解音乐和语言关系的研究成果。第二章是对以往研究的综述,重点评介它们在被试选择、操作定义、音乐能力测试、语言测试方面的优缺点,为本研究的实验设计做准备。第三章提出了本文的三个研究问题:(1)拥有较好音高处理能力的被试在模仿陌生外语语调时是否有优势?(2)拥有较好音高处理能力的被试模仿外语语调时是否在初始与经过三次重复后都具有优势?(3)拥有较好音高处理能力的被试经过三次重复,其语调是否总体上比其余被试获得更大进步?第三章的实验中运用了两项音高感知测试,一项自行设计的音高产出测试和另一项自行设计的外语模仿测试来采集数据。第四章中运用Goldwave和Praat软件对录音进行预处理,并在此基础上用SPSS软件进行数据分析。第五章给出结论并讨论不足和今后研究中可采取的改进方法。 通过考察被试外语语调模仿表现和音乐音高处理能力的相关性,本文发现拥有较好音高处理能力的被试在熟悉外语(英语)和陌生外语(泰语)的语调模仿方面总体上均具有优势。三项音高处理能力中,精细音高方向检测能力与英语、泰语语调模仿能力均无显著相关,而音高变化检测能力与泰语模仿能力显著相关,音高产出能力与英语模仿能力显著相关,与泰语模仿能力轻微相关。 对各被试各次模仿与音乐音高处理能力的相关性考察发现,音高变化检测能力较强的被试在泰语第一次模仿的表现并不突出,但在第四次模仿时有较好表现。音高产出能力较强的被试在英语初次模仿中就具有优势,并将此优势保持至第四次模仿。由此引发一项有趣的发现,即音高变化检测能力似乎对陌生外语语调模仿更有帮助,而音高产出能力似乎对熟悉外语语调模仿更有帮助。 尚未有研究进行类似的跨语言以及跨次的模仿研究。尽管本研究尚不成熟,其研究结论也可能具有一定风险,但是探究未知领域的过程既有趣也令人鼓舞。本文若能为今后的相关研究提供一点灵感,作者即感到无比欣慰。
【关键词】:音高处理 语调模仿 跨语言实验 跨次比较
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-11
- Chapter 1 Introduction11-20
- 1.1 Language and Music: History and Three Different Viewpoints11-12
- 1.2 Shared Processing of Language and Music12-16
- 1.2.1 Music and Early Language Acquisition12-13
- 1.2.2 Linked Deficits between Language and Music13-16
- 1.3 Two Distinct Processing Modules for Speech and Music16-18
- 1.4 A Cautious Stand on Drawing Strong Connections18-19
- 1.5 The Theoretical Basis of the Current Study19-20
- Chapter 2 A Review of Previous Studies20-32
- 2.1 Participants in Previous Studies20-21
- 2.2 The Operational Definition in Previous Studies21-22
- 2.3 Tests for Musical Abilities in Previous Studies22-25
- 2.3.1 Standardized Receptive Tests for Musical Aptitude22-24
- 2.3.2 Self-designed Productive Tests for Musical Aptitude24-25
- 2.4 Tests for Language Abilities in Previous Studies25-32
- 2.4.1 Self-designed Receptive Tests for Language Abilities25-27
- 2.4.2 Self-designed Productive Tests for Language Abilities27-30
- 2.4.3 A summary of Deficiencies in Self-designed Tests for Language Abilities30-32
- Chapter 3 Research Design of the Current Study32-45
- 3.1 Research Questions32-33
- 3.2 Participants33-34
- 3.3 Apparatus34-35
- 3.4 The Pitch Processing Experiments35-37
- 3.4.1 The Pitch Perception Tests35-36
- 3.4.2 The Pitch Production Test36-37
- 3.5 The Foreign Language Intonation Imitation Experiment37-41
- 3.5.1 Suprasegmental Features of Language: Pitch, Tone, and Intonation37-39
- 3.5.2 The Choice of English and Thai Stimuli39-41
- 3.6 The Procedure of the Experiments41-44
- 3.6.1 Instructions and Warming up41-42
- 3.6.2 Experiment 1: The Foreign Language Intonation Imitation Experiment42
- 3.6.3 Experiment 2: The Pitch Production Test42
- 3.6.4 Experiment 3: The Pitch Perception Tests42-43
- 3.6.5 An Investigation into Participants’ Musical Background43-44
- 3.7 Summary44-45
- Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results45-64
- 4.1 Initial Processing of Collected Recordings45-47
- 4.2 Results of the Pitch Perception Tests and the Pitch Production Test47-51
- 4.2.1 The Result of the Tonedeaf Test and the Result of the Adaptive Pitch Test48-49
- 4.2.2 The Result of the Pitch Production Test49-51
- 4.3 Results of the Foreign Language Intonation Imitation Experiment51-59
- 4.3.1 The Pearson Correlation Coefficients of Participants’Imitations51-53
- 4.3.2 Pitch Processing Abilities and Foreign Language Intonation Imitation Ability53-55
- 4.3.3 Pitch Processing Abilities,Trial 1s and Trial 4s55-58
- 4.3.4 Pitch Processing Abilities and Short-term Improvement58-59
- 4.4 Summary and General Discussion59-64
- 4.4.1 About the Findings in Section 4.3.260-61
- 4.4.2 About the Findings in Section 4.3.361-62
- 4.4.3 About the Findings in Section 4.3.462-63
- 4.4.4 About the Answers to the Questionnaire63-64
- Chapter 5 Conclusion64-67
- 5.1 Findings64-65
- 5.2 Limitations, and Suggestions for Future Work65-67
- References67-72
- Appendixes72-78
- Appendix A72-73
- Appendix B73-76
- Appendix C76-77
- Appendix D77-78
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 裴正薇;;国外关于音乐能力与二语语音习得研究述评[J];当代外语研究;2012年02期
2 裴正薇;;大学英语语音量具的设计与质量分析[J];中国农业教育;2011年05期
3 裴正薇;丁言仁;;音乐能力影响中国大学生英语语音能力的实证研究[J];外语界;2013年01期