发布时间:2017-10-14 10:34
【摘要】:《水浒传》是中国四大名著之一,是中国历史上第一部以农民起义为题材的长篇小说,具有极高的艺术和思想价值。18世纪以来,《水浒传》已被陆续翻译成多国语言,使各国的文学爱好者有机会欣赏到了中国的长篇巨著,感受到了中国文化的独特魅力。特别是英译本的出现,为《水浒传》在西方国家赢得了更广大的读者群。本文以《水浒传》英译本中的章回标题翻译为研究对象,分析了赛珍珠译本与沙博理译本中的章回标题,展现了两位译者的翻译技巧和各自译文的特点。 本文以彼得·纽马克提出的交际翻译和语义翻译为理论依据,从词汇翻译、整句翻译、句子结构平衡的把握、文化意象的传递等方面剖析了赛珍珠与沙博理的章回标题翻译,从而发现了赛珍珠的翻译倾向于语义翻译,她的译文保留了大量的汉语元素;沙博理的翻译倾向于交际翻译,更多地考虑了目的语读者。正如彼得·纽马克先生所说的那样,任何一种翻译策略都不是万能的。两位翻译家的译文各具特色,各有优缺。由于赛珍珠的译文保留了较多的传统文化因子和汉语句式,使得译文较为生涩。沙博理的译文更多地考虑了目的语读者,译文可谓地道,但丢失了一些中国特色的文化元素。 《水浒传》的章回标题位于每章的正文之前,具有重要的导航作用。本文从章回标题的翻译入手,探究了两位翻译家的翻译策略,分析了两译文的特点和差异。提出了译者翻译中国古典著作时,应尽可能地忠实于原文,使译文承载尽可能多的中国传统文化因子。
【关键词】:《水浒传》 交际翻译 语义翻译 对比分析
- Acknowledgements5-6
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-11
- Chapter One Introduction11-16
- 1.1 A brief description of the Novel—Shui Hu Zhuan11
- 1.2 The evolution of Shui Hu Zhuan and its authorship11-12
- 1.3 The influence of Shui Hu Zhuan12-13
- 1.4 The translation of Shui Hu Zhuan13
- 1.5 The two versions chosen for study13-14
- 1.6 Chapter titles and the significance14-16
- Chapter Two Literature Review and Theoretical Basis16-23
- 2.1 Communicative translation and semantic translation16-19
- 2.1.1 About communicative translation16-18
- 2.1.2 About semantic translation18-19
- 2.2 The relationship between the two methods19-21
- 2.3 Research concerning the translation of Shui Hu Zhuan21-23
- Chapter Three An Overview of Chapter Titles in Shui Hu Zhuan23-32
- 3.1 A panorama of Chinese couplets23-26
- 3.1.1 Chinese couplets—from the origin to the prime23-26
- 3.2 Common features of Chinese couplets26-28
- 3.2.1 Same number of characters in each line26
- 3.2.2 Same part of speech in each line26
- 3.2.3 Same syntactic structure of each line26-27
- 3.2.4 Inverse tone patterns between the two lines27-28
- 3.2.5 The meaning of one line pertinent to the other28
- 3.3 Analysis of chapter titles in Shui Hu Zhuan28-32
- 3.3.1 Succinctness—the essential feature of a chapter title28-29
- 3.3.2 S+V+O—the commonly used formula29-30
- 3.3.3 Two factors are indispensable30-32
- Chapter Four A Comparative Study on the Two Versions of Chapter Titles32-53
- 4.1 Introduction about the two translators32-34
- 4.1.1 A brief introduction about Pearl S. Buck and her version32-33
- 4.1.2 A brief introduction about Sidney Shapiro and his version33-34
- 4.2 Differences in purpose and the ensuing effects34-36
- 4.3 At lexical level36-41
- 4.3.1 Translation of adverbs36-39
- 4.3.2 Translation of phrases39-41
- 4.4 At syntactic level41-48
- 4.4.1 Translation of the vital constituents in chapter titles41-45
- 4.4.2 Maintenance of structural balance45-48
- 4.5 Reproduction of cultural images48-52
- 4.6 A brief summary52-53
- Chapter Five Constraints on the Translation of Chapter Titles and Strategies Adopted by the Translators53-59
- 5.1 Linguistic constraints53-56
- 5.1.1 Constraints lying in syntactic level53-55
- 5.1.2 Constraints lying in contextual level55-56
- 5.2 Cultural constraints56-59
- Chapter Six Conclusion59-61
- Bibliography61-62
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1 肖斌;;《红楼梦》霍译本章回标题翻译的顺应研究[J];无锡职业技术学院学报;2013年01期