发布时间:2017-09-23 05:04
【摘要】:诗歌是最古老的文学形式,源远流长,历史悠久,在文学发展中占有举足轻重的地位。意象是诗歌鉴赏的最基本单元,是诗歌的普遍艺术,也是揭示诗歌内部构成奥秘的钥匙。诗歌意象的把握是欣赏诗歌意境,风格及感受其美学价值的关键。 诗歌的独特艺术性,,使其翻译成为文学翻译中的一大难题,一直以来,诗歌可译与不可译是翻译界探讨的重要话题。而意象的传递与再现也成为诗歌翻译成功与否的关键。在诗歌翻译过程中,作为欣赏者和美的传递者的译者,翻译美学的基础和把握亦成为了必不可少的标准。许渊冲的“三美论”,钱钟书的“化境论”,均成为了当代诗歌翻译的重要指标。然而翻译美学对于诗歌翻译,意象的传递存在局限性。本文引入了语言学的关联理论,将翻译看作一种特殊的交际,力求在原文本,译者及译作之间实现最佳关联,实现同样的语境效果,进而对诗歌的美学阐释及翻译中的意象的烘托和再现作以新的探讨。 本文第一章简要的介绍了诗歌意象再现研究的必要性及目的。第二章为理论部分,简要介绍了关联理论,翻译美学,及诗歌意象及该领域重要的思想及研究现状。第三章及第四章为论文的主体部分,首先比较了翻译美学与关联理论对于诗歌意象再现的解释力,在第四章,进行了个案研究,分别对于许渊冲和庞德的译作进行分析,从而进一步解释关联理论对于翻译美学对于意象再现的巨大的解释力:在尽量实现最佳关联,产生同等的交际效果时,“三美”或“化境”成为最大限度接近原文的标准。第五章为结论部分,总结本文的主要观点及局限性。
【关键词】:诗歌意象 关联理论 翻译美学 意象再现
- Acknowledgements6-7
- Abstract7-9
- 摘要9-13
- Chapter 1 Introduction13-16
- 1.1 Necessity of the Study13
- 1.2 Hypothesis of the thesis13-14
- 1.3 Outline of the Thesis14-16
- Chapter 2 Literature Review16-27
- 2.1 General Description of Relevance Theory (RT)16-21
- 2.1.1 Cognition Environments17-18
- 2.1.2 Communicative Intensions18-20
- 2.1.3 Optimal Relevance20-21
- 2.2 Poetic images21-24
- 2.2.1 Definition of Poetic Images21-23
- 2.2.2 Implementation of Images23-24
- 2.3 Aesthetics24-27
- 2.3.1 Definition of Aesthetics24-25
- 2.3.2 Aesthetics on Translation25
- 2.3.3 Aesthetics on Literature Translation25-26
- 2.3.4 Aesthetics on Poetry Translation26-27
- Chapter 3 Comparison between the Effectiveness of RT and Aesthetics on the Study of Poetic Images27-44
- 3.1 Irreplaceable Role of RT in the Analysis of Poetic Images27-37
- 3.1.1 Translation as Interlingual Interpretive Use27-29
- 3.1.2 Translator’s Assumption29
- 3.1.3 Enrichment and Reproduction of Poetic Images Constrained by Optimal Relevance29-33
- 3.1.4 Methods Adopted from the Perspective of Optimal Relevance33-37
- 3.2 Classical Aesthetics’ Interpretation and Explanation of Poetic Images37-43
- 3.2.1 Images as the Essential Aspect of Classical Aesthetics38-39
- 3.2.2 Xu Yuanchong’s “Three Beauties” Theory39-41
- 3.2.3 Qian Zhongshu’s “Transmigration” Theory41-43
- 3.3 Summary43-44
- Chaper 4 Discussion in Real Translation Practice of Poetic Images with Regard to Relevance Theory and Aesthetics44-73
- 4.1 Comparative Discussion of the Poets---Ezra Pond and Xu Yuanchong44-63
- 4.1.1 Ezra Pond---Translating Poetry with Regard to Relevance Theory45-53
- 4.1.2 Xu Yuanchong---Translating Poetry with Regard to Aesthetics53-57
- 4.1.3 Combination and Suggestions on the Reproduction of Poetic Images57-63
- 4.2 Combination of the two Theories on Poetic Images63-68
- 4.2.1 Relevance Theory in Xu Yuanchong’s Translation63-65
- 4.2.2 Aesthetics in Ezra Pound’s Translation65-67
- 4.2.3 Common Characteristics of the above Theories Concerned67-68
- 4.3 Suggested Translation Strategies68-71
- 4.3.1 Transferring of Poetic Images69
- 4.3.2 Rewriting of Poetic Images69-70
- 4.3.3 Substitution of Poetic Images70
- 4.3.4 Omission of Poetic Images70-71
- 4.4 Enlightment and overall Suggestions71-73
- Chaper 5 Conclusion73-76
- 5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis73-74
- 5.2 Limitations of the Thesis74-75
- 5.3 Suggestions75-76
中国期刊全文数据库 前2条
1 林克难;关联翻译理论简介[J];中国翻译;1994年04期
2 顾正阳;喻萍;;古诗词英译中的意境美[J];中国翻译;2008年04期