发布时间:2023-02-08 17:54
衔接作为语篇的重要组成部分之一,吸引了众多学者和语言学家的兴趣。学者和语言学家力图建立衔接与连贯的关系及其在语篇生成中的地位。根据韩礼德和哈桑的观点,衔接分为两类:语法衔接和词汇衔接。词汇衔接通过词汇的选择来实现。事实上,词汇衔接在语篇构建中起着举足轻重的作用。它是赋予话语篇章性的重要手段,同时还起着使语篇连贯的作用。 本文以侯仪(2000)关于英语语篇中的词汇衔接模式为框架,力图分析英语散文和汉语散文中词汇衔接手段的异同。基于侯仪的理论,本文将词汇衔接分为:简单重复,复杂重复,简单释义,复杂释义,上义词,下义词和共指。在此分类基础上,本文选取了三篇英语散文和三篇汉语散文,分别分析它们在词汇衔接手段的使用上表现出了异同。本文发现,简单重复在汉语语篇中的使用频率要高于其它词汇衔接手段,而英语语篇的一个明显趋势是更多地使用同义词。对于同义词的使用频率,英语语篇要高于汉语语篇。 期望本文所发现的研究结果能加深对英汉语篇中词汇衔接现象的理解,而且能对英语语篇教学以及英汉语篇互译有所启示。
【文章页数】:85 页
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Aim and Significance of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Paper
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Definitions and Distinctions
2.1.1 Text and Texture
2.1.2 Cohesion and Coherence
2.1.3 Cohesion and Text Organization
2.2 An Overview of Lexical Cohesion Study Abroad
2.2.1 Halliday and Hasan
2.2.2 Michael Hoey
2.2.3 Winter E.O
2.2.4 Phillips M.
2.3 An Overview of Lexical Cohesion Study in China
2.3.1 Hu Zhuanglin
2.3.2 Zhang Delu
2.3.3 Zhu Yongsheng
2.3.4 Huang Guowen
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions and Data
3.2 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 A Contrastive Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in English and Chinese Texts
4.1 Formation of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.1.1 Simple Lexical Repetition
4.1.2 Complex Lexical Repetition
4.1.3 Simple Paraphrase
4.1.4 Complex Paraphrase
4.1.5 Superordinate, Hyponymic and Co-reference Repetition
4.2 Data Analysis
4.2.1 Identification of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.2.2 Construction of the Matrixes of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.3 Contrast of Lexical Cohesion between the Two Languages
4.3.1 Similarities
4.3.2 Differences and Reasons Resulting in these Differences
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Furore Research
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
【文章页数】:85 页
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Aim and Significance of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Paper
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Definitions and Distinctions
2.1.1 Text and Texture
2.1.2 Cohesion and Coherence
2.1.3 Cohesion and Text Organization
2.2 An Overview of Lexical Cohesion Study Abroad
2.2.1 Halliday and Hasan
2.2.2 Michael Hoey
2.2.3 Winter E.O
2.2.4 Phillips M.
2.3 An Overview of Lexical Cohesion Study in China
2.3.1 Hu Zhuanglin
2.3.2 Zhang Delu
2.3.3 Zhu Yongsheng
2.3.4 Huang Guowen
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions and Data
3.2 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 A Contrastive Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in English and Chinese Texts
4.1 Formation of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.1.1 Simple Lexical Repetition
4.1.2 Complex Lexical Repetition
4.1.3 Simple Paraphrase
4.1.4 Complex Paraphrase
4.1.5 Superordinate, Hyponymic and Co-reference Repetition
4.2 Data Analysis
4.2.1 Identification of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.2.2 Construction of the Matrixes of Lexical Cohesion Links
4.3 Contrast of Lexical Cohesion between the Two Languages
4.3.1 Similarities
4.3.2 Differences and Reasons Resulting in these Differences
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Furore Research
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D