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发布时间:2023-06-02 05:04
  语篇分析自20世纪50年代以来就一直受到语言学界的广泛关注。一方面,语篇分析可以从语言的不同层面上对语篇进行研究;另一方面,语篇分析为分析不同的篇章和理解语言变迁的历时过程提供了新的研究方法和视角。但随着科学技术的不断发展、多媒体和互联网络的广泛使用,信息的传递方式不再仅靠单一的文本,而且包含了多种模式,例如音频、视频、三维动画等复杂形式,这些现代化的手段丰富了语义表达的形式,打破了常规媒介的单一性,体现了交际固有的多模态性。传统的语篇分析方法忽视了对这些语义表达方式的研究,为了克服这一局限性,20世纪90年代兴起了一种新型的语篇分析方法——社会符号学视角下的多模态语篇分析方法。 迁移理论认为:语言学习者的母语在第二语言习得过程中会产生正面的或者负面的影响。当语言学习者的母语与目标语(或第二语言)有差别时,就会产生负迁移。由于汉语和英语分属不同的语系,其语言特征和文化传统有着相对较大的差异,从而思维和表达方式也存在一定的差异,这就使我国学生在英语学习时必然会受到汉语负迁移的影响。语言迁移是一个非常复杂的过程,许多因素相互作用、共同影响语言迁移的内容、时间和方式。影响语言迁移的语言和非语...

【文章页数】:72 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 The Purpose of the Study
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
2 Social Semiotics and Visual Grammar
    2.1 Development of Social Semiotics
        2.1.1 Definition of Social Semiotics
        2.1.2 Halliday and the Social Semiotic in Language
        2.1.3 Kress and Van Leeuwen's Visual Grammar
        2.1.4 Word-image Relations
    2.2 Visual Grammar
        2.2.1 Representational Meanings of Images
        2.2.2 Interactive Meanings of Images
        2.2.3 Compositional Meanings of Images
    2.3 Summary
3 Negative Transfer of Native Language and Strategies in L2 Teaching and Learning
    3.1 Negative Transfer of Native Language in SLA
        3.1.1 Definitions of Transfer
        3.1.2 Negative Transfer in SLA
        3.1.3 Negative Transfer by Chinese Learners of L2 English
    3.2 Strategies to Avoid Negative Transfer of Native Language in SLA
        3.2.1 Appropriate Use of L1 in L2 Teaching
        3.2.2 Significance of Application of Linguistic Universals
        3.2.3 Necessity of Cultural Knowledge in L2 Teaching and Learning
    3.3 Summary
4 Manifestations and Significance of Multimodal Filmic Discourse in L2 Teaching andLearning
    4.1 Manifestations of Multimodal Filmic Discourse in L2 Teaching and Learning
        4.1.1 Evolution of Classroom Technology
        4.1.2 Implementation of Films in Language Classroom
    4.2 Significance of Multimodal Filmic Discourse in L2 Teaching and Learning
        4.2.1 Significance of Films in Increasing L2 Learners' Input
        4.2.2 Significance of Films in Enhancing L2 Learners' Motivation
        4.2.3 Significance of Films in Improving L2 Learners' Language Skills
        4.2.4 Significance of Films in Building L2 Learners' Critical Thinking
    4.3 Summary
5 Meaning Representation and Employing of Multimodal Filmic Discourse in L2Teaching and Learning
    5.1 Representation of Meaning in Multimodal Filmic Discourse
        5.1.1 Representation of Meaning in Visual Image
        5.1.2 Representation of Meaning in Color Mode
        5.1.3 Representation of Meaning in Background Mode
    5.2 Employing Multimodal Filmic Discourse in L2 Teaching and Learning
        5.2.1 Necessity of Adapting to a New Teaching Concept
        5.2.2 Advantages of Using Films for Culture Teaching
        5.2.3 Feasibility of Using Films for Culture Teaching
        5.2.4 Effects of Using Films in L2 Teaching and Learning
    5.3 Summary
Publications during M.A. Study




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