发布时间:2024-02-27 01:49
地名属于语言中的专有名词,能够指称不同地域和不同方位,是约定俗成的符号,是人类与自然社会互动体验的产物。国内有很多学者对地名多从语用,文化,社会等因素进行研究,这些研究相对分散,没有上升到认知机制层面上进行深入研究,且缺乏相对封闭的语料分析支撑。 本文将用顺应论(Adaptation Theory)弥补“事件域认知模型”(ECM)的不足,并辅以隐转喻加以说明,试图把认知和语用结合起来,以揭示地名的命名机制。 本文共分五部分,主要内容如下: 第一章“引言”介绍研究目的、分析方法、语料收集和结构布局。 第二章“文献综述”回顾国内学者从文化、语言学等角度对都市地名命名的研究,并重点分析这些研究的不足之处。 第三章“理论框架”,针对以往研究所存在的不足之处,提出了新的解决方案---AEM,并佐以案例分析 第四章“理论分析”详述语料收集过程,运用AEM,分析2,600条的命名机制并加以数据说明。 第五章“结语”总结全文归纳3点贡献: 1.首次建立了全国26个省会城市(不包括5个自治区和港澳台)的2600个地名及其来源的语料。 2.建构了AEM理论,通过认知和语用相结合来解释地名命名机制,将“体验...
【文章页数】:141 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivations of the Study
1.2 Methodology and Data Collection
1.3 Layout of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Previous Studies on Naming
2.2.1 Naming Theories
2.2.2 Naming of place
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework: ACM
3.1 Introduction
3.2 ECM Revisited
3.2.1 Merits
3.2.2 Demerits
3.3 Adaptation Theory Revisited
3.3.1 Merits
3.3.2 Demerits
3.4 Metaphtonymy
3.5 ACM Proposed for the Gap
3.6 Summary
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Description of data collection
4.3 Naming Models of Places
4.3.1 Full-coverage Naming Models
4.3.2 Ten Final Condensed Naming Models
4.4. Metaphor and Metonymy in the process of denomination
4.4.1 The Metaphorical Expressions
4.4.2 The Metonymic Expressions
4.5 Adaptation in the process of Naming and Renaming
4.5.1 Phonetic Adaptation
4.5.2 Semantic adaptation Highlighting the adaptation to the Social world Highlighting the adaptation to Physical World Highlighting the adaptation to the Mental World
4.6. Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Contributions and findings
5.2 The Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix 1: Illustration of ACM
Appendix 2: 11 Basic Naming Elements in Chinese Place Names
Appendix 3: 102 Full-coverage Naming Models
Appendix Four: The Renaming Models
Appendix Five: The Corpus
【文章页数】:141 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivations of the Study
1.2 Methodology and Data Collection
1.3 Layout of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Previous Studies on Naming
2.2.1 Naming Theories
2.2.2 Naming of place
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework: ACM
3.1 Introduction
3.2 ECM Revisited
3.2.1 Merits
3.2.2 Demerits
3.3 Adaptation Theory Revisited
3.3.1 Merits
3.3.2 Demerits
3.4 Metaphtonymy
3.5 ACM Proposed for the Gap
3.6 Summary
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Description of data collection
4.3 Naming Models of Places
4.3.1 Full-coverage Naming Models
4.3.2 Ten Final Condensed Naming Models
4.4. Metaphor and Metonymy in the process of denomination
4.4.1 The Metaphorical Expressions
4.4.2 The Metonymic Expressions
4.5 Adaptation in the process of Naming and Renaming
4.5.1 Phonetic Adaptation
4.5.2 Semantic adaptation Highlighting the adaptation to the Social world Highlighting the adaptation to Physical World Highlighting the adaptation to the Mental World
4.6. Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Contributions and findings
5.2 The Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix 1: Illustration of ACM
Appendix 2: 11 Basic Naming Elements in Chinese Place Names
Appendix 3: 102 Full-coverage Naming Models
Appendix Four: The Renaming Models
Appendix Five: The Corpus