发布时间:2021-08-11 19:27
【文章来源】:郑州大学河南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Preview
1.2 Rationale of the Present Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Present Study
1.5 Data Collection and Research Methodology
1.6 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 An Overview of Humor Research
2.1.1 The Concept of Humor
2.1.2 Classification of Humor
2.1.3 Traditional Theories on Humor
2.1.4 Linguistic Studies on Verbal Humor
2.2 Previous Study on Humorous Cellphone Text Messages
2.2.1 A General Introduction to CTM
2.2.2 Previous studies on CTM
2.2.3 Previous Studies on Humorous CTM
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 An Overview of Meme and Memetics
3.2 Language Meme Theory
3.2.1 Language and Memes
3.2.2 The Replication and Transmission Mode for Language Memes
3.2.3 Context and Meaning of Language Memes
3.3 The Incongruity-Resolution Theory
Chapter Four A Memetic Interpretation of Humor in Humorous CTM
4.1 Classification of Language Memes in Humorous CTM
4.1.1 Classification Based on Language Structure
4.1.2 Classification Based on Language Styles
4.2 Replication and Transmission Mode for Language Memes in Humorous CTM
4.2.1 Repetition
4.2.2 Analogy
4.3 The Memetic Mechanism of Humor in Humorous CTM
4.3.1 Incongruity in Humorous CTM
4.3.2 Language Memes and the Generation of Incongruity
4.3.3 Language Memes and the Resolution of Incongruity
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions
[1]幽默手机短信的语言模因论阐释[J]. 张丽. 宜春学院学报. 2009(S1)
[2]从语用预设解读幽默手机短信[J]. 徐正科. 牡丹江大学学报. 2008(11)
[3]手机短信中的模因关照[J]. 康灿辉. 江西科技师范学院学报. 2008(02)
[4]语言模因及其修辞效应[J]. 何自然. 外语学刊. 2008(01)
[5]幽默类手机短信的社会文化心理偏离[J]. 米幼萍. 长春大学学报. 2007(01)
[6]语言模因说略[J]. 谢朝群,何自然. 现代外语. 2007(01)
[7]从关联理论的角度解析短信幽默[J]. 王钟锐. 河北大学成人教育学院学报. 2006(04)
[8]简论仿拟格在手机短信中的运用[J]. 刘勇. 现代语文. 2006(09)
[9]短信语言初探[J]. 周求知. 南方论刊. 2006(05)
[10]语言模因现象探析[J]. 陈琳霞,何自然. 外语教学与研究. 2006(02)
[1]从关联理论初探中文手机短信幽默[D]. 胡朝霞.湘潭大学 2007
[2]从关联理论的角度理解言语幽默[D]. 闫玉涛.山东师范大学 2005
[3]手机短信语言研究[D]. 刘景秀.华中师范大学 2005
【文章来源】:郑州大学河南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Preview
1.2 Rationale of the Present Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Present Study
1.5 Data Collection and Research Methodology
1.6 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 An Overview of Humor Research
2.1.1 The Concept of Humor
2.1.2 Classification of Humor
2.1.3 Traditional Theories on Humor
2.1.4 Linguistic Studies on Verbal Humor
2.2 Previous Study on Humorous Cellphone Text Messages
2.2.1 A General Introduction to CTM
2.2.2 Previous studies on CTM
2.2.3 Previous Studies on Humorous CTM
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 An Overview of Meme and Memetics
3.2 Language Meme Theory
3.2.1 Language and Memes
3.2.2 The Replication and Transmission Mode for Language Memes
3.2.3 Context and Meaning of Language Memes
3.3 The Incongruity-Resolution Theory
Chapter Four A Memetic Interpretation of Humor in Humorous CTM
4.1 Classification of Language Memes in Humorous CTM
4.1.1 Classification Based on Language Structure
4.1.2 Classification Based on Language Styles
4.2 Replication and Transmission Mode for Language Memes in Humorous CTM
4.2.1 Repetition
4.2.2 Analogy
4.3 The Memetic Mechanism of Humor in Humorous CTM
4.3.1 Incongruity in Humorous CTM
4.3.2 Language Memes and the Generation of Incongruity
4.3.3 Language Memes and the Resolution of Incongruity
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions
[1]幽默手机短信的语言模因论阐释[J]. 张丽. 宜春学院学报. 2009(S1)
[2]从语用预设解读幽默手机短信[J]. 徐正科. 牡丹江大学学报. 2008(11)
[3]手机短信中的模因关照[J]. 康灿辉. 江西科技师范学院学报. 2008(02)
[4]语言模因及其修辞效应[J]. 何自然. 外语学刊. 2008(01)
[5]幽默类手机短信的社会文化心理偏离[J]. 米幼萍. 长春大学学报. 2007(01)
[6]语言模因说略[J]. 谢朝群,何自然. 现代外语. 2007(01)
[7]从关联理论的角度解析短信幽默[J]. 王钟锐. 河北大学成人教育学院学报. 2006(04)
[8]简论仿拟格在手机短信中的运用[J]. 刘勇. 现代语文. 2006(09)
[9]短信语言初探[J]. 周求知. 南方论刊. 2006(05)
[10]语言模因现象探析[J]. 陈琳霞,何自然. 外语教学与研究. 2006(02)
[1]从关联理论初探中文手机短信幽默[D]. 胡朝霞.湘潭大学 2007
[2]从关联理论的角度理解言语幽默[D]. 闫玉涛.山东师范大学 2005
[3]手机短信语言研究[D]. 刘景秀.华中师范大学 2005