发布时间:2021-08-13 21:05
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter 1 Interpretation of Counterfeit X Construction
1.1 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme
1.1.1 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme in Source Word
1.1.2 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme in Newly-born Words
1.2 Semantic Salience of Counterfeit Morpheme
1.2.1 Salience in “low-cost, non-regularity etc
1.2.2 Salience in “folk, folk wisdom etc
1.2.3 Salience in “similarity in appearance, action etc
1.2.4 Salience in “antiauthority or sub-stream etc
1.3 Analysis on Counterfeit X Construction
1.3.1 Analysis from the Perspective of Word Mold
1.3.2 Collocation between the Morphemes of Counterfeit and X
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Derivational Mechanism and a Meme Lifecycle of Counterfeit X Construction
2.1 Meme and Memetics Theory
2.2 Derivational Mechanism of Counterfeit X Construction
2.2.1 Meming the Relevant Frames
2.2.2 Grammaticalization and De-categorization of Counterfeit Morpheme
2.2.3 The Generalization of X Morpheme
2.2.4 Summary
2.3 A Meme Lifecycle of Counterfeit X Construction
2.3.1 Assimilation
2.3.2 Retention
2.3.3 Expression
2.3.4 Transmission
2.3.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Derivational Motivations of Counterfeit X Construction
3.1 Motivation from the Regurgitation-feeding of Cognitive Mentality to Linguistic Meme
3.2 Motivation from Cognitive Model to Linguistic Meme
3.2.1 Metaphorizing Phase
3.2.2 Grammaticalizing Phase
3.2.3 Generalizing Phase
3.2.4 Summary
3.3 Motivation from Linguistic Meme in Itself
3.3.1 Fecundity
3.3.2 Longevity
3.3.3 Copying-fedility
3.3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Speculation on the Semantic Fuzziness of Counterfeit X Construction from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy
4.1 The Embodied Philosophy of Semantic Fuzziness as its Foundation
4.2 The Eclecticism Choice of Semantic Fuzziness
4.2.1 Cognitive Psychological Eclecticism Choice of the Experiential Mind
4.2.2 Metaphorical Eclecticism Choice between Cognitive Subjects and Contexts
4.2.3 The Eclecticism Choice of Counterfeit Morpheme and X Morpheme through Unconscious Cognitive Means
4.3 Summary
Appendix 攻读学位期间主要研究成果
[1]“吧”族词形成的认知机制研究[J]. 刘玉梅. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2010(01)
[2]从后现代哲学的人本观看语言象似性——语言学研究新增长点之六:象似性的哲学基础与教学应用[J]. 王寅. 外语学刊. 2009(06)
[3]“草根”、“山寨”为何流行[J]. 王振顶. 山西师大学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[4]当代汉语新兴词族的形成机制与衍生动因——基于“X女郎”词族的个案分析[J]. 彭晓,杨文全. 语言文字应用. 2009(03)
[5]“山寨文化”三题[J]. 刘畅. 当代传播. 2009(04)
[6]经典“语义三角”辨正[J]. 彭利元,肖跃田. 外语学刊. 2009(04)
[7]“山寨”流行中语义泛化与社会文化的共变[J]. 缪俊. 修辞学习. 2009(01)
[8]基于模因理论的隐喻[J]. 张平. 东北大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(02)
[9]meme的翻译[J]. 谢朝群,林大津. 外语学刊. 2008(01)
[10]注意机制与二语词汇习得[J]. 章柏成. 重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(02)
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter 1 Interpretation of Counterfeit X Construction
1.1 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme
1.1.1 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme in Source Word
1.1.2 Connotative Meaning of Counterfeit Morpheme in Newly-born Words
1.2 Semantic Salience of Counterfeit Morpheme
1.2.1 Salience in “low-cost, non-regularity etc
1.2.2 Salience in “folk, folk wisdom etc
1.2.3 Salience in “similarity in appearance, action etc
1.2.4 Salience in “antiauthority or sub-stream etc
1.3 Analysis on Counterfeit X Construction
1.3.1 Analysis from the Perspective of Word Mold
1.3.2 Collocation between the Morphemes of Counterfeit and X
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Derivational Mechanism and a Meme Lifecycle of Counterfeit X Construction
2.1 Meme and Memetics Theory
2.2 Derivational Mechanism of Counterfeit X Construction
2.2.1 Meming the Relevant Frames
2.2.2 Grammaticalization and De-categorization of Counterfeit Morpheme
2.2.3 The Generalization of X Morpheme
2.2.4 Summary
2.3 A Meme Lifecycle of Counterfeit X Construction
2.3.1 Assimilation
2.3.2 Retention
2.3.3 Expression
2.3.4 Transmission
2.3.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Derivational Motivations of Counterfeit X Construction
3.1 Motivation from the Regurgitation-feeding of Cognitive Mentality to Linguistic Meme
3.2 Motivation from Cognitive Model to Linguistic Meme
3.2.1 Metaphorizing Phase
3.2.2 Grammaticalizing Phase
3.2.3 Generalizing Phase
3.2.4 Summary
3.3 Motivation from Linguistic Meme in Itself
3.3.1 Fecundity
3.3.2 Longevity
3.3.3 Copying-fedility
3.3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Speculation on the Semantic Fuzziness of Counterfeit X Construction from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy
4.1 The Embodied Philosophy of Semantic Fuzziness as its Foundation
4.2 The Eclecticism Choice of Semantic Fuzziness
4.2.1 Cognitive Psychological Eclecticism Choice of the Experiential Mind
4.2.2 Metaphorical Eclecticism Choice between Cognitive Subjects and Contexts
4.2.3 The Eclecticism Choice of Counterfeit Morpheme and X Morpheme through Unconscious Cognitive Means
4.3 Summary
Appendix 攻读学位期间主要研究成果
[1]“吧”族词形成的认知机制研究[J]. 刘玉梅. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2010(01)
[2]从后现代哲学的人本观看语言象似性——语言学研究新增长点之六:象似性的哲学基础与教学应用[J]. 王寅. 外语学刊. 2009(06)
[3]“草根”、“山寨”为何流行[J]. 王振顶. 山西师大学报(社会科学版). 2009(05)
[4]当代汉语新兴词族的形成机制与衍生动因——基于“X女郎”词族的个案分析[J]. 彭晓,杨文全. 语言文字应用. 2009(03)
[5]“山寨文化”三题[J]. 刘畅. 当代传播. 2009(04)
[6]经典“语义三角”辨正[J]. 彭利元,肖跃田. 外语学刊. 2009(04)
[7]“山寨”流行中语义泛化与社会文化的共变[J]. 缪俊. 修辞学习. 2009(01)
[8]基于模因理论的隐喻[J]. 张平. 东北大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(02)
[9]meme的翻译[J]. 谢朝群,林大津. 外语学刊. 2008(01)
[10]注意机制与二语词汇习得[J]. 章柏成. 重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(02)