发布时间:2023-04-02 23:56
普遍认为,模糊语言指的是在语言表达中语义外延不确定的各类形式的语言或本身模糊的自然语言。同精确语言一样,模糊语言也是一种有效的思想交流工具,并且在日常的交际和文学创作中起着重要作用。在恰当的时候使用模糊语不仅能提高语言交际的有效性和准确性,还能增强表达的灵活性,使表达更贴切、更有理、更生动、更形象。相反,如果运用不当,就会带来误解甚至更糟的结果。相比精确语言,模糊语的使用对语境更具依赖性。因而,在使用模糊语时,必须考虑语境,不能随意使用。国内外很多的专家和学者都对模糊语从语义和语用角度进行了大量的研究,但是很少有人对不同生活领域模糊语的使用依赖不同的语境进行研究。 本文通过揭示模糊语与语境的关系以及分析不同生活领域模糊语的使用依赖不同的语境来研究模糊语使用的语境依赖性。对模糊语与语境的关系的分析共分三部分,首先从模糊语的特性来分析它对语境的依赖,模糊语具有不确定性、不精确性和相对性的特性。语境可以使模糊语的不确定性得以明确,语境也能容许模糊语不精确性的存在,语境更能顺应模糊语的相对性。接着分析语境对模糊语的作用,它包括解释和限制作用。然后分析在特定的语境下模糊语所具有的语用功能,根据特...
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objectives and significance of the study
1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Development of fuzziness theory
2.2 Previous study of fuzzy language
2.2.1 Definition of fuzzy language
2.2.2 Classification of fuzzy language
2.2.3 Fuzzy language study abroad
2.2.4 Fuzzy language study at home
2.3 Review of context study
2.3.1 Definition of the context
2.3.2 Classification of context
2.3.3 Previous study of context
2.4 Study of fuzzy language together with context
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Relationship between Fuzzy Language and Context
3.1 Characteristics of fuzzy language and its dependence on context
3.1.1 Context specifying the indeterminacy of fuzzy language
3.1.2 Context allowing the imprecision of fuzzy language
3.1.3 Context adapting the relativity of fuzzy language
3.2 Roles of context on fuzzy language
3.2.1 Interpreting context
3.2.2 Restricting context
3.3 Pragmatic functions of fuzzy language in specific context
3.3.1 Enhancing the flexibility of language in specific context
3.3.2 Showing the beauty of language in specific context
3.3.3 Improving the efficiency of language in specific context
3.3.4 Strengthening the decency of language in specific context
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Dependence of Fuzzy Language on Linguistic Context
4.1 Definition of linguistic context
4.2 Fuzzy language dependence and different linguistic contexts
4.2.1 Dependence of fuzzy language on the phonological context
4.2.2 Dependence of fuzzy language on the lexical context
4.2.3 Dependence of fuzzy language on the grammatical context
4.2.4 Dependence of fuzzy language on the textual context
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Dependence of Fuzzy Language on Non-Linguistic Context
5.1 Dependence of fuzzy language on situational context
5.1.1 Use of fuzzy language in daily communication
5.1.2 Use of fuzzy language in news report
5.1.3 Use of fuzzy language in scientific forecasting
5.2 Dependence of fuzzy language on cultural context
5.2.1 Use of fuzzy language in international communication
5.2.2 Use of fuzzy language in the international business cooperation
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Limitation of the study
6.3 Suggestions for further study
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objectives and significance of the study
1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Development of fuzziness theory
2.2 Previous study of fuzzy language
2.2.1 Definition of fuzzy language
2.2.2 Classification of fuzzy language
2.2.3 Fuzzy language study abroad
2.2.4 Fuzzy language study at home
2.3 Review of context study
2.3.1 Definition of the context
2.3.2 Classification of context
2.3.3 Previous study of context
2.4 Study of fuzzy language together with context
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Relationship between Fuzzy Language and Context
3.1 Characteristics of fuzzy language and its dependence on context
3.1.1 Context specifying the indeterminacy of fuzzy language
3.1.2 Context allowing the imprecision of fuzzy language
3.1.3 Context adapting the relativity of fuzzy language
3.2 Roles of context on fuzzy language
3.2.1 Interpreting context
3.2.2 Restricting context
3.3 Pragmatic functions of fuzzy language in specific context
3.3.1 Enhancing the flexibility of language in specific context
3.3.2 Showing the beauty of language in specific context
3.3.3 Improving the efficiency of language in specific context
3.3.4 Strengthening the decency of language in specific context
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Dependence of Fuzzy Language on Linguistic Context
4.1 Definition of linguistic context
4.2 Fuzzy language dependence and different linguistic contexts
4.2.1 Dependence of fuzzy language on the phonological context
4.2.2 Dependence of fuzzy language on the lexical context
4.2.3 Dependence of fuzzy language on the grammatical context
4.2.4 Dependence of fuzzy language on the textual context
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Dependence of Fuzzy Language on Non-Linguistic Context
5.1 Dependence of fuzzy language on situational context
5.1.1 Use of fuzzy language in daily communication
5.1.2 Use of fuzzy language in news report
5.1.3 Use of fuzzy language in scientific forecasting
5.2 Dependence of fuzzy language on cultural context
5.2.1 Use of fuzzy language in international communication
5.2.2 Use of fuzzy language in the international business cooperation
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Limitation of the study
6.3 Suggestions for further study