本文选题:肠道菌群 切入点:自发荧光 出处:《中国实验动物学报》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的探讨不同发育阶段大鼠肠道自发荧光微生物在肠道内的分布。方法采用Kinetics IVIS小动物活体成像系统的荧光检测技术对不同发育阶段SD大鼠肠道内自发荧光微生物在肠道内的分布位置进行检测和评估。先对体外培养的大肠杆菌标准菌株进行荧光检测,然后在同一检测条件下分别对大肠杆菌的分布位置进行检测。扩大荧光检测激发光波长范围,去除饲料和粪便等外来自发荧光物质的荧光背景,分别检测出生3、14 d和60 d的SD大鼠肠道内自发荧光微生物的分布。结果大肠杆菌在485~535 nm激发波长范围内能发荧光。大肠杆菌在出生3 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中主要分布于胃,少量分布于回肠;在出生14 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中主要分布于胃和盲肠,少量分布于回肠;在出生60 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中主要分布于回肠内,少量分布于空肠、结肠和盲肠内。扩大荧光检测激发光波长范围后,自发荧光微生物在出生3 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中主要分布于回肠,其次是胃;在出生14 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中主要分布于胃,其次是盲肠,少量分布于回肠和空肠;在出生60 d的SD大鼠肠道系统中均有分布,主要分布于回肠和盲肠。结论采用小动物活体成像系统荧光检测技术检测自发荧光肠道微生物,对研究肠道微生物在寄主不同发育阶段肠道内的分布有一定的帮助和指导作用,为肠道微生物与寄主和经胃肠道给药关系的研究提供一定的依据。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of autofluorescence microorganism in the intestine of rats at different developmental stages. Methods Kinetics IVIS small animal imaging system was used to detect the autofluorescence microorganism in the intestine of SD rats at different stages of development. The distribution of the product in the intestine was detected and evaluated. The standard Escherichia coli strains cultured in vitro were detected by fluorescence. Then the distribution of Escherichia coli was detected under the same detection conditions. The fluorescence detection was extended to excite light wavelength to remove the fluorescent background of foreign autofluorescence substances such as feed and faeces. The distribution of autofluorescence microorganism in intestinal tract of SD rats was detected on day 14 and day 60, respectively. Results Escherichia coli could emit fluorescence within the excitation wavelength range of 485 ~ 535 nm. Escherichia coli was mainly distributed in stomach of SD rats at 3 days of birth. A small amount was distributed in the ileum, mainly in the stomach and cecum, and a little in the ileum in SD rats at day 14, and in the ileum and in the jejunum in the intestinal system of SD rats at day 60. In colon and cecum, autofluorescence microorganism was mainly distributed in ileum, followed by stomach in SD rat intestinal system at 3 days after birth, and mainly in stomach in 14 days old SD rats. The second was cecum, a little distributed in ileum and jejunum, and distributed in the intestinal system of SD rats at 60 days old. Conclusion it is helpful and instructive to study the distribution of intestinal microorganism in different development stages of host by using the fluorescence detection technique of small animal in vivo imaging system to detect the autofluorescence intestinal microorganism in the ileum and cecum. To provide some basis for the study of the relationship between intestinal microorganism and host and gastrointestinal administration.
【作者单位】: 海南医学院海南省药物安全性评价研究中心;
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