[Abstract]:Objective to establish a rabbit model of femoral bone defect, observe and compare the curative effect of two kinds of bone lengthening operation methods to repair bone defect, so as to select the best operation plan and shorten the time of bone lengthening treatment. To provide theoretical basis for the rational selection of surgical methods for the treatment of femoral bone defect. Methods 41 New Zealand white rabbits were selected in this experiment. The age of the rabbits was 3 ~ 5 months and their body weight was 2.25 ~ 3.25 kg. All of them were provided by the Animal Experimental Center of Jinan military region General Hospital. Five New Zealand white rabbits were randomly selected to make 15mm femoral bone defect model. After 12 weeks of operation, gross observation and imaging examination confirmed that 15mm of femur defect could not be repaired by itself. After the successful establishment of the model, a New Zealand white rabbit was selected for bone lengthening experiment and the experimental experience was explored. Thirty New Zealand white rabbits aged from 3 to 5 months were randomly divided into two groups: group A, group B, group, (A, group B, lengthening and repairing proximal femur osteotomy, group B (n = 15, group A, n = 15, n = 15). 7 days after operation, the bone defect was lengthened by 1 mm in each group, and the lengthening time was 15 days. All experimental animals were observed and recorded after operation. Keep all laboratory animals under the same conditions to prevent infection and change medicine regularly. The wound growth was observed and treated in time. The X-ray examination was performed at 15 days and 8 weeks to 12 weeks after operation, and the healing of femoral bone defect was observed. The specimens were taken from 2 weeks to 12 weeks after operation for histological observation and bone mineral density detection. At 12 weeks after operation, biomechanical examination was performed to analyze and compare the repair of bone defects in each group. The data of each group were analyzed by SPSS 16.0, and the experimental results were obtained. Results the imaging results showed that the callus growth in group B was better than that in group A (P 0.05). With the prolongation of observation time, the bone mineral density of both groups showed a trend of increasing gradually. Group B was higher than group A (P0.05). Biomechanical results showed that the three-point bending static stiffness, maximum load and torsional static stiffness of bone defect in group B were higher than those in group A (P0.05). Histological observation showed that the bone tissue of group B was more mature than that of group A at 2 weeks and 12 weeks after operation. Conclusion 1. The rabbit femur bone defect caused by 15mm could not be repaired by itself within 12 weeks after successful establishment of rabbit femoral bone defect model. (2) both in situ bone lengthening and proximal osteotomy were the operative methods for the treatment of femoral defect. Proximal bone lengthening is superior to in situ bone lengthening in the treatment of large bone defects.
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