[Abstract]:Neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) is a neurotransmitter composed of 36 amino acids , which is similar to that of bird pancreatic polypeptide ( APP ) and polypeptide YY ( peptide YY ) , which is abundantly expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system . NPY can be released by sympathetic nerve endings in combination with noradrenaline ( NE ) when sympathetic nerve is activated . NPY plays a wide role in vivo by six different G protein coupled receptors . NPY can influence learning , memory and food consumption .
At the periphery , it has an impact on circulatory system , reproductive system and digestive system .
The liver is the largest gland in the human body and is an important organ of metabolism . The liver is dominated by a large number of afferent nerves and afferent nerves ( sympathetic and subsympathetic nerve ) . The study shows that NPY - ergic neurons are the most abundant peptide - energy neurons in human liver . NPY - ergic neurons are distributed directly around the hepatic artery , portal vein and biliary tract , thus forming a complex neural network . It is reported that the sympathetic nerve can release NPY and NE through the distal tip to regulate the blood volume of the liver blood vessel , and NPY has little effect on the liver cells .
Based on nanoscaled 2D - nano - LC - MS / MS , the technique of protein group is to separate the peptide segment mixture by nano - escalation two - dimensional liquid chromatography , then the characteristic peptide segment is detected one by one by tandem mass spectrometry , and the data is analyzed by using software such as EST , so that the protein can be identified with high flux , high sensitivity and high accuracy .
In order to study the effect of NPY on liver cells and its molecular mechanism , we performed the following work with human hepatocytes L - 02 as the research object :
1 . The effect of NPY on the activity of human hepatocytes L - 02 was determined by MTT assay .
2 . Western blot was used to detect the changes of apoptosis marker protein in human hepatocytes after L - 02 .
3 . The protein expression profile of human hepatocytes L - 02 after NPY stimulation was studied by the technique of nanogun proteomic technique based on nano - escalation two - dimensional liquid - tandem mass spectrometry .
4 . Using bioinformatics software to analyze the proteome data , meanwhile , consult the literature , screen the protein related to apoptosis , explore the possible signal pathway of NPY - induced apoptosis of human hepatocytes , and verify the expression of some proteins by Western blot ;
5 . Using rapamycin inhibitor rapamycin , we further observed the role of mtor signaling pathway in NPY - induced apoptosis in human hepatocytes .
The main results are as follows :
1 . NPY may dose - dependently decrease the viability of human hepatocytes L - 02 and 1 nM NPY has a significant effect .
2 . NPY could induce apoptosis of L - 02 cells . The expression of caspase - 3 was up - regulated in L - 02 cells . The expression of Bax , Bad in Bcl - 2 family was up - regulated and the expression of Bcl - 2 was down - regulated .
3 . The expression of 317 proteins was differentially expressed after 10 nM NPY - stimulated L - 02 cells . Among these proteins , there were 12 proteins , including mammalian rapamycin target protein , cytochrome c , ribosomal protein S6 kinase and heat shock protein 70 ( Hsp70 ) .
4 . After further verification by Western blot , the expression of mtor , cdc , s6k and Hsp70 was consistent with the expression pattern detected by nano - escalation two - dimensional liquid - tandem mass spectrometry , and the expression of mtor , s6k , cdc was up - regulated , and the expression of Hsp70 was down regulated .
5 . NPY causes apoptosis of L - 02 cells to be reversed after rapamycin is applied to rapamycin .
In conclusion , NPY can promote apoptosis of human hepatocytes in a dose - dependent manner . After 10 nM NPY - stimulated L - 02 cells for 24 h , 12 cells related to apoptosis have changed . Four of them have close ties . We further speculated that the expression of Hsp70 / bcl - c / caspase - 3 might be an important signaling pathway for the apoptosis of human hepatocytes .
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