[Abstract]:Streptococcus pneumoniae (S.pn) is a common gram-positive pathogenic bacteria, which causes pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia in the world with high morbidity and mortality. In recent 20 years, many proteins of S.pn have been found to be inflammatory medials or directly damage the host tissues and encode these proteins. The virulence of S.pn decreased significantly after gene mutation, so the virulence protein of S.pn played an important role in the pathogenesis of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection.
When bacteria enter the host environment, they inevitably face changes in survival conditions. They adjust gene expression to adapt to the selection pressure of the environment. The heat shock protein (HeatShock Protein, HSP) of bacteria is a group of stress induced proteins related to the bacteria itself. The expression of HSP is often a potential virulence factor of bacteria. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the effect of Streptococcus pneumoniae HSP on its own virulence and its interaction with the host immune cells will contribute to the development of a new therapeutic agent against pneumococcal infection.
DnaJ/Hsp40 protein is a highly conserved and widely existing heat shock protein. As a co molecular chaperone of DnaK, the DnaJ protein that activates DnaK's ATPase activity.S.pn is a surface protein. Studies have shown that the protein has the potential of the vaccine. Peritoneal or mucosal inoculation causes the host to produce acquired immunity against multiple serotype S.pn infections. However, it is not clear whether DnaJ proteins are involved in bacterial pathogenesis and the interaction between DnaJ proteins and host innate immune cells.
In this study, the effects of dnaJ defects on the virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae and the role of DnaJ in inducing the natural immune response of the host - the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors, the recognition of the pattern recognition receptor (PRR) to the DnaJ protein and the activation of the signal pathway were observed in two aspects, including the following three parts:
1, the dnaJ gene deletion mutant of S.pn was constructed to observe the growth of temperature stress in vitro, providing experimental strains and technical platform for subsequent study of the role of DnaJ in the interaction of bacteria and host.
Using the long arm homologous polymerase chain reaction (LFH-PCR) method, the erythromycin resistance gene (ERM) was prepared in the middle, and both sides were dnaJ genes, the downstream homologous sequences were linked, the Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 or R6 bacteria were transformed, and the defective strains were screened on the erythromycin containing blood plate and used to identify the defective strains by PCR and sequencing. The results showed the dnaJ base of the defective strains. Because of the substitution of ERM gene completely, the morphology of Gram stain was not changed, but its colony was obviously smaller, and the growth curve in vitro was roughly the same as that of wild bacteria at 30 and 37 C, but the growth was obviously inhibited at 20 and 40 C, almost unable to grow.
2, the influence of dnaJ deficiency on the toxicity of pneumococcus pneumoniae was observed from two aspects in vivo and in vitro.
The survival of the mice infected with wild bacteria or defective bacteria was observed directly after the intraperitoneal attack. The nasal infection S.pn established the mice pneumonia model, counted the bacterial load of the susceptible tissue, and determined the effect of dnaJ defects on the self colonization ability of the bacteria. S.pn infected the lung epithelial cells of mice, and compared the adhesion and invasion ability of the wild and defective strains. Differences. The toxicity test showed that the mice in the dnaJ deficient bacteria group could tolerate the lethal dose of S.pn and the long-term survival. The bacterial load in the nasopharynx and lungs of the defective bacteria group was significantly lower than that of the wild bacteria group, and the defective bacteria in the blood were cleared quickly, and the dnaJ defect made the adhesion and invasion ability of MLE12 cells weakened significantly. After pretreatment with DnaJ antiserum, the adhesion ability of wild bacteria to MLE12 cells decreased significantly.
3, the changes in the natural immune response of the host or immune cells to the bacteria after the S.pn dnaJ gene defect were identified, and then the host identification and the downstream signaling pathway were screened at the molecular level by the host to identify the DnaJ induced innate immunity.
The pneumonia model of S.pn in mice was established. The inflammatory reaction was observed in the infected lung tissue section and the expression of proinflammatory factors was detected by quantitative PCR and ELISA. The macrophage macrophage RAW264.7 infected S.pn, compared the phagocytic ability of the cells to the wild and defective bacteria and the secretion level of the inflammatory factors, and the prokaryotic expression and purified DnaJ full length protein stimulated RAW264.. 7, detection of the level of proinflammatory factors, quantitative PCR screening and identification of DnaJ protein TLRs, and using anti TLRs monoclonal antibody test, protein kinase inhibitor screening DnaJ protein induced proinflammatory factor related signal pathway, Western blot to verify. In vivo experiment showed that S.pn dnaJ deficiency after the infection of mice lung inflammation reaction intensity decreased, proinflammatory factor score The peak time was reduced and the peak time was delayed. In vitro, it was found that the phagocytosis of RAW264.7 to S.pn increased after dnaJ defect, and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines secreted.DnaJ protein to activate PI3K, JNK signaling pathway and stimulate the secretion of pro-inflammatory factor IL-6, which did not depend on TLR2 and TLR4..
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