[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the optimal conditions for isolation and culture of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) from SD rats. Methods Sprague-Dawley rats (SD rats of different weeks) were selected and cultured in different culture medium (L-DMEMU DMEM / F12), serum volume fraction (7.5%), and the first time of fluid exchange (487296 h), method (total exchange, half exchange) by using the method of whole bone marrow adherent screening (L-DMEM-1 / F12), the serum volume fraction (7.5%) and the first time of fluid exchange (487296 h),) were used to culture the SD rats of different weeks (2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks old), and then cultured in different culture medium (L-DMEMU DMEM / F12). The changes of cell morphology and number were observed under inverted microscope every day. The cells were digested and counted at the time of cell fusion 80 ~ 90. The time to reach the requirement of passage was recorded. The BMSCs growth curve was drawn from the third generation of cells. The expression rate of CD34 and CD44 was detected by immunofluorescence. Results (1) when SD rats reached the requirement of passage at the 2nd week, the number of BMSCs was the most, the time required was the shortest, the content of BMSCs decreased obviously at the 8th week, and it was difficult to form colony growth. The cells in the medium of cell fusion were less than 50% DMEM / F12 and adhered to the wall early. The number of cells in the active L-DMEM medium was slow, and the difference between the two groups was significant (P0.05). The number of cells in the 72 h and 48 h groups was more than that in the control group (P0.05), and the number of the total cells in the 24 h group was less than that in the 24 h group (P0.05), and the number of the mixed cells in the 24 h group was more than that in the control group. The cells were distributed completely, and the increment rate of the two cells was slower than that of the former (P0.05); the higher the volume fraction, the faster the cell growth and differentiation, the shorter the time. However, there was no significant difference between the three groups (P0.05). The cells with high volume fraction in the subculture were easy to be aged by inoculating circular BMSC for 6 h and then differentiated into round cells. After 72 h, there were a few short fusiform cells in round or polygonal cells, and the astrocytes were dispersed. After 6 days, the colony of BMSCs cells were arranged radially, the length and thickness of the cells were irregular, with different pseudopodia, the nucleus of the cells was large, and the nucleoli were clear. After about 10 days, 90% of the cells were fused to 80% of the surface of culture, and within 24 h after passage, the cells were completely attached to the wall. The fusiform cells were covered with 80% or 90% of the surface of culture within 3 days. After 1 or 2 passages, the cells were arranged radially or in parallel. The morphology tended to converge for 2 days, the cells grew slowly, and the cells were transferred to the logarithmic growth period from 4 days to the peak after 3 days of growth stasis. The cell doubling time was about 39.5 h. 4. There was CD44 antigen expression in BMSc. The positive rate was 98.3%, while the expression of CD34 was negative. Conclusion the method of whole bone marrow adherent screening is a simple and effective method for obtaining high purity BMSCs. The culture medium was DMEM / F12, and the appropriate serum volume fraction was 1072 h.) BMSCs grew well in vitro. DAPI could be used as an effective method to label BMSCs, and it could also be used as the basic staining of cell immunohistochemistry.
【作者单位】: 杭州市红十字会医院;大连大学附属中山医院;
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