发布时间:2018-08-22 14:50
【摘要】:大脑的可塑性通常是指在外界环境或经验的作用下,大脑不断塑造其功能和结构的能力。虽然已有大量的研究证实了,成年人的大脑也具有功能和结构的可塑性。但采用同一种训练方式,对不同训练时期的大脑功能和结构改变进行的研究还很少。本文通过整体身心调节训练(Integrative Body Mind Training, IBMT)——一种在以往研究中被认为可以有效改变训练者情绪状态、免疫水平、脑血流以及自发脑电特征等心理、行为、生理表现的训练方式,分别对5天,2周,4周和长期训练者的大脑功能和结构变化进行研究。本文的研究结果总结如下: 1.实验一通过单光子断层成像,测量接受5天IBMT的被试在训练前后的局部脑血流变化情况。实验发现,IBMT可以增加与自我调节、执行控制、内知觉感受等相关脑区(主要包括眶额回、扣带回腹侧、扣带回背侧、脑岛以及纹状体等)的局部脑血流。 2.继实验一中证明IBMT可以对大脑的功能活动产生影响之后,实验二进一步通过弥散张量成像和高分辨率结构像,测量接受2周IBMT的被试在训练前后大脑白质各向异性分数(FA),轴向扩散系数(AD),径向扩散系数(RD)以及大脑灰质密度的改变。实验发现,2周IBMT后,反映轴突形态的AD值,在胼胝体、放射冠和矢状层等脑区发生了下降,但反映白质强度的FA值、髓鞘形态的RD值以及大脑灰质密度并没有变化。 3.与实验二采用同样的成像方法,实验三测量接受4周IBMT的被试在训练前后FA、AD、RD以及大脑灰质密度的改变。实验发现,胼胝体、放射冠和上纵束等脑区出现了FA值升高、AD与RD值下降的现象。这与其它训练方式中FA值的改变只伴随着RD值的变化不同。我们认为IBMT对大脑白质影响的神经机制,可能与其它训练方式存在着差异。实验结果还发现,4周IBMT仍未对大脑灰质密度产生影响。 4.实验四对老年长期IBMT训练者的大脑灰质密度以及反映脑老化程度的静息状态下功能连接系数进行研究。实验发现,长期IBMT训练者在纹状体具有更大的灰质密度,以及更强的前扣带回背侧到纹状体的功能连通。这也许是长期IBMT对训练者注意和自我调控提高的神经机制。
[Abstract]:The plasticity of the brain usually refers to the ability of the brain to shape its function and structure under the influence of external environment or experience. Although a large number of studies have confirmed that the adult brain also has functional and structural plasticity, the same training method is used to study the changes of brain function and structure during different training periods. In this study, we used the Integrative Body Mind Training (IBMT), a training method which was considered to be effective in changing trainees'emotional state, immune level, cerebral blood flow and spontaneous EEG characteristics. The functional and structural changes of the brain were studied.
1. In experiment 1, the changes of regional cerebral blood flow were measured by single photon tomography before and after IBMT training for 5 days. It was found that IBMT could increase the local cerebral blood flow in the brain regions related to self-regulation, executive control, and internal perception (including orbital frontal gyrus, ventral cingulate gyrus, dorsal cingulate gyrus, insula and striatum, etc.). Flow.
2. After the first experiment proved that IBMT could affect the brain function, the second experiment measured the changes of white matter anisotropy fraction (FA), axial diffusion coefficient (AD), radial diffusion coefficient (RD) and gray matter density before and after training by diffusion tensor imaging and high-resolution structural imaging. After 2 weeks of IBMT, AD values reflecting axonal morphology decreased in the corpus callosum, radiation corona and sagittal layer, but FA values reflecting white matter strength, RD values reflecting myelin sheath morphology and gray matter density of the brain remained unchanged.
3. In experiment 3, FA, AD, RD and gray matter density were measured before and after 4 weeks of IBMT training with the same imaging method as in experiment 2. The results also showed that IBMT had no effect on the density of gray matter in 4 weeks.
4. In Experiment 4, grey matter density and resting functional connectivity coefficient were studied in elderly IBMT trainees. It was found that long-term IBMT trainees had higher grey matter density in striatum and stronger functional connectivity from dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus to striatum. The neural mechanisms of attention and self regulation are improved.
[Abstract]:The plasticity of the brain usually refers to the ability of the brain to shape its function and structure under the influence of external environment or experience. Although a large number of studies have confirmed that the adult brain also has functional and structural plasticity, the same training method is used to study the changes of brain function and structure during different training periods. In this study, we used the Integrative Body Mind Training (IBMT), a training method which was considered to be effective in changing trainees'emotional state, immune level, cerebral blood flow and spontaneous EEG characteristics. The functional and structural changes of the brain were studied.
1. In experiment 1, the changes of regional cerebral blood flow were measured by single photon tomography before and after IBMT training for 5 days. It was found that IBMT could increase the local cerebral blood flow in the brain regions related to self-regulation, executive control, and internal perception (including orbital frontal gyrus, ventral cingulate gyrus, dorsal cingulate gyrus, insula and striatum, etc.). Flow.
2. After the first experiment proved that IBMT could affect the brain function, the second experiment measured the changes of white matter anisotropy fraction (FA), axial diffusion coefficient (AD), radial diffusion coefficient (RD) and gray matter density before and after training by diffusion tensor imaging and high-resolution structural imaging. After 2 weeks of IBMT, AD values reflecting axonal morphology decreased in the corpus callosum, radiation corona and sagittal layer, but FA values reflecting white matter strength, RD values reflecting myelin sheath morphology and gray matter density of the brain remained unchanged.
3. In experiment 3, FA, AD, RD and gray matter density were measured before and after 4 weeks of IBMT training with the same imaging method as in experiment 2. The results also showed that IBMT had no effect on the density of gray matter in 4 weeks.
4. In Experiment 4, grey matter density and resting functional connectivity coefficient were studied in elderly IBMT trainees. It was found that long-term IBMT trainees had higher grey matter density in striatum and stronger functional connectivity from dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus to striatum. The neural mechanisms of attention and self regulation are improved.
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