[Abstract]:A new technique based on flow cytometry (FCM) was developed for the detection of ABO natural blood group specific antibodies. Standardized human red blood cells from commercial origin were used as the target cells for the unified reaction, and the corresponding healthy human serum samples were treated with specific fluorescent labeled antibodies, and the specific blood group antibody droplets were detected by FCM. The results of the two methods showed that there was a good correlation between the two methods, but the new FCM method showed better specificity, sensitivity and sensitivity. FCM is a more accurate technique for detecting natural blood group antibodies. It is likely that FCM will gradually replace traditional blood agglutination methods in the quantitative analysis of ABO blood group incompatible blood group antibodies and the whole process of operation monitoring.
Most of the primates have ABO blood group systems similar to those of humans. In this part, the serum antibody levels and antibody distribution in rhesus monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys were detected by modified FCM. As mentioned in the previous part, the blood group antibody levels and antibody distribution in monkey serum were determined by flow cytometry. The non-specific antibodies were expressed by commercial human red blood cells as the standard antigens of the target cells. The serum samples of experimental rhesus monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys were pre-adsorbed with human O-type concentrated red blood cells to adsorb the non-specific antibodies contained in monkey serum by adding specific fluorescent labeled anti-human IgM or IgG antibodies. The results showed that the FCM method could also accurately detect the levels and types of blood group antibodies in monkeys after the modified procedure of adsorbing non-specific antibodies in monkey serum. The antibody titer of natural blood group in Qingzhong was significantly lower than that in healthy people (P
In this part, the levels of anti-A blood group antibodies in the circulatory system of cynomolgus monkeys (B blood group) were successfully increased by pre-sensitization with the key-hole hemocyanin-coupled ABO blood group antigen A specific epitope (N-acetylgalactosamine) (KLH-A). The changes of IgM and IgG levels of blood group antibodies in monkeys before and after sensitization were detected by the modified FCM method. The results showed that the blood group antibody IgM level and the expression of non-blood group antibody IgG were significantly increased in cynomolgus monkeys sensitized by KLH-A (P 0.001). The sensitization effect and the duration of antibody level after sensitization were individualized. The high expression of antibody IgM against blood group antigen in monkey circulation also increased the level of non-specific antibody IgG. The blood group antibody level of primates was successfully increased after pre-sensitization, which provided a good experimental premise for the successful establishment of a clinical ABO incompatible kidney transplantation model.
In this part, we successfully established a model of hyperacute rejection induced by allogeneic ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation after pre-sensitization and activated complement killing mediated by blood group antibody. The antibody titer of natural ABO blood group pre-stored in experimental cynomolgus monkeys was detected by modified FCM method. The results showed that the antibody level of blood group was high. In the lower control group, ABO incompatible allograft kidney transplantation did not lead to hyperacute rejection. Pathological studies showed no evidence of hyperacute rejection in the control group, but showed mixed pathological features of acute humoral and cellular rejection, and no blood group antibody was found in immunohistochemistry. Deposition of body (IgM or IgG) and complement fragments (C4d and C5b-9). In the KLH-A pre-sensitized group (n=2), recipient monkeys (blood group B) received KLH-A pre-sensitized kidney transplantation 14 days later, and then received kidney transplantation from donor monkeys (blood group A). Results The transplanted kidneys of both recipient monkeys changed from bright red to black-purple within 1 hour after blood flow anastomosis. The pathological and immunohistochemical results of one case (07cy05) and the other (09cy15) showed definite hyperacute rejection on the second day after renal transplantation. We studied the pathological and immunological characteristics of hyperacute rejection in the recipient monkeys of the experimental group. The changes were systematically analyzed to provide experimental evidence for the treatment and prevention of rejection after simulated clinical ABO incompatible renal transplantation.
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