[Abstract]:Candida albicans is still the most important pathogenic fungi causing infection in immunocompromised patients. The long-term use of azoles, especially fluconazole, has led to increasingly serious drug resistance of Candida albicans, making the treatment of clinical Candida albicans infection more difficult and complex. Previous studies have shown that the calcineurin pathway is involved in the formation of drug resistance in Candida albicans and is one of the pathogenic factors of Candida albicans.In our laboratory, gene modification technique was used to prove that RTA2 is an essential gene for calcineurin pathway to regulate the resistance of Candida albicans to azole drugs in vitro. Therefore, the relationship between calcineurin pathway, RTA2 gene and the formation of drug resistance of Candida albicans and its role in vitro and in vivo were studied in this study.
In order to further study and confirm the role of calcineurin pathway in the formation of drug resistance in Candida albicans, 45 clinical Candida albicans strains from different regions and different patients were selected in this study. Microdilution in vitro drug sensitivity test was used to investigate the calcium-activated signaling pathway of exogenous calcium ions with similar concentration in human serum. The changes of susceptibility to fluconazole showed that 37.8% of the 45 clinical strains changed from susceptibility to dose-dependent drug resistance, 13.3% from susceptibility to drug resistance, indirectly confirmed the activation of calcineurin pathway in vitro, reduced the sensitivity of the strains to drugs, and participated in the formation of drug resistance. The decrease of susceptibility of clinical Candida albicans to fluconazole in the presence of intracellular calcium may mean that the actual susceptibility to fluconazole is inconsistent with the in vitro susceptibility during clinical treatment. The expression level of RTA2 was up-regulated in 66.7% of the strains, indicating that the activation of calcineurin pathway in most strains promoted the up-regulation of RTA2 gene expression.
In order to analyze the susceptibility of Candida albicans in vitro and in vivo to the same concentration of ionic calcium, the effects of calcium regulation pathway and RTA2 gene on the virulence of Candida albicans and the formation of drug resistance, we classified the MIC value and RTA2 expression level in vitro and selected 8 clinical Candida albicans and the deletion of RTA2 gene constructed earlier. The toxicity of CRZ1 gene deleted bacteria, recombinant bacteria and wild bacteria in vivo and the effect of drug treatment in mice were evaluated. The survival rate of mice, the number of colonies in kidney and the pathological section were observed. It was found that the MIC value changed little after calcium was added in vitro. After infection with non-resistant bacteria, the therapeutic effect of fluconazole was better than that of MIC value. The results showed that there was no difference in the survival time and the number of colonies in the kidney between RTA2 gene deleted strains and CRZ1 gene deleted strains. The virulence of the strain was not related to the susceptibility of the strain to fluconazole, but was related to the susceptibility of the strain to fluconazole.
To explore the reason why the expression level of RTA2 gene in a small number of clinical strains did not change after activation of calcineurin pathway, we first sequenced the 1500bp sequence of the upstream promoter region of RTA2 gene in some strains, and found six mutation sites. Then we used the reporter gene method to find the different length slices containing different mutation sites. Segment was linked to reporter gene plasmid pBES116-rluc-act1 and transformed into RTA2-deficient strain JXM101. The luciferase substrate was added after protein extraction. Luciferase gene expression was determined by luminescence value to verify the significance of different mutation sites in the promoter region. It is speculated that the two-point mutation of the base leads to the inability of the transcription factor Crz1p in the calcineurin pathway to recognize the promoter region and affects the expression of RTA2 gene.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that calcineurin pathway and its target gene RTA2 play an important role in the formation of drug resistance in Candida albicans in vitro and in vivo.
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