[Abstract]:Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has been prevalent in the world for more than 30 years, but no method has been found to completely eliminate the virus infection and cure AIDS. Our research group is mainly devoted to the research of therapeutic AIDS vaccine (Therapeutic HIV vaccine). Academician Zeng Yi proposed the strategy of sequential repeated immunization of HIV multi-carrier vaccine for the first time at home and abroad. The results of experiments in mice and rhesus monkey showed that the strategy could induce strong and persistent HIV specific cellular immune response, which indicated that the strategy had a good application prospect. In addition, HIV vaccine based on dendritic cells (Dendritic Cells,DCs) has been shown to be effective in controlling viral load in both clinical and clinical studies. We intend to increase the application of this DCs vaccine in the strategy of sequential repeated immunization of multi-vector vaccines. The aim of this study was to construct a new candidate AIDS vaccine expressing different subtypes of genes and evaluate its immunogenicity on the basis of previous studies. At the same time, the immunogenicity evaluation of the DC vaccine loaded with Ad5-HIVgag/env laid the foundation for further optimization of the multi-vector vaccine combined immunization scheme, including the above-mentioned vaccines. This study mainly consists of three parts. Firstly, the immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine expressing HIV-1 CRF01_AE subtype gp145 and gp160 gene in mice was compared. Both DNA vaccines expressing gp145 and gp160 genes can induce antigen-specific immune responses. The peak value of the response occurred at 3w and 4ws after immunization, respectively. The immunogenicity of HIV specific cellular immune response induced by DNA vaccine expressing gp145 gene was faster than that of pVR-AE gp160, in mice after immunization. The immunogenicity of pVR-AE gp145 in mice was significantly better than that of pVR-AE gp160, in the follow-up study. PVR-AE gp145 vaccine and other vector vaccines will be selected for further evaluation of combined immunization. Secondly, the recombinant adenovirus vaccine (rAd5-HIV B / C gag),) expressing HIV-1 B / C subtype gag gene was constructed and the immune response induced by rAd5-HIV B / C gag), in mice was studied. The results showed that rAd5-HIV B / C gag was immunized for 2 weeks. A high level of Gag specific cellular immune response was detected in mice. In addition, immunogenicity of DCs vaccine loaded with Ad5-HIV gag/env was evaluated in mice. The DCs, of BALB/c mice was isolated and purified by adherent method. After the DC cells matured by cytokines, the purity of DC was identified by flow cytometry. The recombinant adenovirus Ad5-HIV gag/env was used to infect DC cells to prepare DC vaccine. Mice were immunized with the DC vaccine alone or in combination. The specific cellular immune response of HIV in mice was detected by ELISPOT method at different time points after immunization. The results showed that the dendritic cell vaccine loaded with Ad5-HIV gag/env could induce a strong HIV specific cellular immune response in mice. The above DNA vaccine, Ad5 vaccine, and DC vaccine loaded with Ad5-HIVgag/env have good immunogenicity, which lays a foundation for further evaluation of the sequential and repeated immunization effect of these vaccines in mice.
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