[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the mental health status of medical and nursing personnel in Yushu after one year, to analyze the influence of the training of disaster relief related knowledge on the psychological status of medical staff, and to explore the situation of knowledge mastery of medical and nursing personnel and the corresponding training needs. To provide the basis for the training of disaster relief related knowledge and to better maintain the mental health of medical staff. Methods symptom Checklist (SCL-90), Post-traumatic stress Disorder (PCL-C) and self-designed questionnaire were used. The mental health status and related conditions of 228 medical staff were investigated. SCL-90 and PCL-C were scored at 1 ~ 5 grade according to the severity of symptoms. The lower the score was, the better the mental state was. Results compared with the national norm, the health care workers were in a better state of mental health, and the scores of each factor and the total average score of SCL-90 in the rescue group and the non-rescue group were lower than those in the non-rescue group, somatization factor, anxiety factor, and the scores of the relief group were lower than those of the non-rescue group, the somatization factor and the anxiety factor. There was no significant difference in phobic factors between the two groups (P > 0.05), but there were significant differences in the other factors and the total mean score between the two groups (P < 0.05). The order of the three symptom groups in the relief group and the non-rescue group was the same, the average score of the trauma re-experience was the highest, followed by the numbness and avoidance score, and the third was the increased alertness score. The SCL-90 indexes of the trained and untrained medical and nursing staff were compared respectively. The results showed that the factor scores of the training group were lower than those of the untrained group. Except for the hostile factors, there was no significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05), but there were significant differences in the other factors and the total mean scores between the two groups (P < 0.05) .95.18% of the medical and nursing staff thought that the knowledge of disaster relief was good for them to maintain themselves. Good mental health helps; A survey of knowledge shows that 96.05% of the medical personnel involved in daily work have the need to train and educate about disaster relief related knowledge. Training and education is an effective way to improve the knowledge level of medical staff in disaster relief and should be actively carried out. Conclusion the overall psychological quality of the medical and nursing staff investigated is good, and the rescue itself has a positive effect on maintaining the mental health of the medical staff themselves. Knowledge about disaster relief is very helpful for them to maintain their mental health, but at present, the level of knowledge about disaster relief among medical personnel is not very high. The psychological knowledge and comprehensive knowledge of disaster relief are relatively poor, so it is necessary to develop the training and education of disaster relief related knowledge according to the distribution of knowledge system of medical and nursing personnel, and we should actively carry out standardized training education. And make full use of the convenient advantages of the network to improve the level of relevant knowledge of medical staff.
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