[Abstract]:Enterovirus 7l (EV71) is one of the major pathogens leading to HFMD, which often causes many serious diseases related to the nervous system. Vp1 is the main antigen gene of EV71 virus, and its coat shell protein plays an important role in the infection of host cells. Therefore, we selected vp1 as the target gene for the development of EV71 vaccine. LTB has strong immunogenicity, adjuvant activity and non-toxicity. In this study, LTB was selected as intramolecular mucosal immune adjuvant. Bifidobacterium is an important and beneficial bifidobacterium that exists in human intestinal tract and has important regulation function to human intestinal microenvironment and unique protective effect to infant intestinal tract. Bifidobacterium is the natural host of the human gut and adheres to intestinal epithelial cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a bivalent oral live vaccine expressing EV71 VP1 protein and ETEC LTB protein into an antigen expression system of Bifidobacterium. Objective to construct a fusion expression vector carrying vp1 gene and ltb gene of EV71 virus and express them in Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium to identify their antigenicity and immunogenicity. It lays the foundation for the preparation of oral vaccine to prevent EV71 infection. Methods the fusion gene of human enterovirus 71 vp1 fragment and Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit (ltb) was obtained by overlapping extension PCR (overlap extension PCR) method. A total of 14 pairs of primers were designed to synthesize vp1 gene by overlapping extension PCR technique. The ltb gene was amplified by PCR using ETEC (44815) plasmid DNA as template. Vp1 gene was linked to ltb gene and sequenced. The recombinant plasmid pBEX-VP1-LTB, was transformed into E.coli B1221 (DE3) and expressed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The inclusion bodies of E. coli expressing VP1-LTB were extracted by centrifugation after ultrasonic crushing. The mice were immunized by oral administration. The immunogenicity of IgG,IgA, stool sIgA and intestinal mucus sIgA, against VP1 in the serum of mice was detected. The recombinant plasmid pBEX-VP1-LTB was transformed into Bifidobacterium by electroporation and its antigenicity was analyzed by Western-blot. SD rats were immunized orally. Serum and fecal samples were collected. Serum IgG and intestinal IgA antibody were detected by ELISA. Results the total length of vp1 gene was 891bp.The result of sequencing was consistent with the expectation. The recombinant expression plasmid pBEX-VP1-LTB was identified by PCR and double enzyme digestion, which showed that the construction was correct. Objective the protein was expressed in E.coli BL21 (DE3). The results of Western-blot analysis showed that the protein was antigenicity to EV71 VP1 antibody. The serum anti-VP1 IgG,IgA, stool sIgA and intestinal mucus sIgA were significantly higher in immunized mice than those in PBS and GST control groups. The recombinant plasmid was successfully transferred into Bifidobacterium by electroporation. Western-blot analysis showed that the protein had the antigenicity of binding to EV71 virus antibody. ELISA detection showed that the SD rats immunized with recombinant bifidobacterium produced characteristic IgG and IgA antibodies. Conclusion the fusion expression plasmid of EV71 VP1-LTB was successfully constructed by using overlapping extension PCR technique, and the bifidobacterium (E.coli BL21) and bifidobacterium were used to obtain the bifidobacterium VP1 expression product. The protein has good antigenicity and immunogenicity. It lays a foundation for the development of EV71 intramolecular adjuvant vaccine. This study showed that the recombinant vector pBEX-VP1-LTB could be expressed in Bifidobacterium. The recombinant VP1-LTB gene engineering bifidobacterium can induce specific mucosal immune response in SD rats, which lays a foundation for the further development of oral live vaccine for EV71 recombinant subunit of HFMD based on Bifidobacterium expression system.
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