[Abstract]:Retinoic acid (Retinoic acid,RA) plays a key role in the nervous system, such as neural differentiation, axon elongation and neural model formation. In the past few decades, scientists have published many research papers on RA promoting the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (embryonic stem cells,ESCs) into neurons. These in vitro induction experiments usually involve the formation of embryoid bodies (embryoid bodys,EBs). The method of inducing ESC R1 to differentiate into neurons in vitro was reported by introducing RA into monolayer adherent culture system. In the first two days of inducing R1 differentiation to form nerve cells, adding 1? 渭 M RA, to N2B27 medium can improve the efficiency of ESCs differentiation into nerve cells, as shown by the neural specific marker gene Sox1,Pax6,Nestin,. The expression of Tuj1 and MAP2 increased, and the number of Nestin,Tuj1 and MAP2 positive cells increased. In addition, the addition of RA can also promote the prominent growth of new neurons. Our results also showed that the addition of RA was accompanied by an increase in the expression of WNT signaling pathway inhibitor Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) during neurogenesis. Up to now, the mechanism of RA promoting neurogenesis is still unclear. The monolayer adherent culture system does not involve complex EBs and unknown stromal cells, so this system will be able to make better use of the in vitro study of the role of RA signaling pathway in neurogenesis. The induced pluripotent stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSCs), like ESC strain R1, were successfully induced to produce nerve cells by monolayer adherent culture system. In the experiment, we selected two kinds of iPSCs from different somatic cell reprogramming, namely iPSC clone C5 derived from meninges and iPSC clone S103f9 from mouse embryonic fibroblast (mouse embryonic fibroblasts,MEFs. After 6 days of induction, both iPSCs could detect the expression of neuron-specific labeled Pax6,Nestin,Tuj1 and MAP2, whereas the expression of pluripotent labeled Oct4 could hardly be detected at this time. These results are consistent with those in monolayer adherent culture system, suggesting that iPSCs and ESCs have similar neurogenesis. Inducing iPSCs of patient to form nerve cells in vitro can be used as a model for studying some hereditary diseases of nervous system and as a material for transplantation treatment of nerve tissue defects caused by various functional disorders or age factors.
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