[Abstract]:Objective to explore the relationship between Rv1272 and Rv1273 gene coding protein and drug efflux of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and to study its substance transport function in order to provide experimental support for exploring the molecular mechanism of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Methods the structures of Rv1272 and Rv1273 genes and their encoded proteins were analyzed by bioinformatics method. The two genes were amplified by PCR technique. The recombinant plasmids were constructed by ligation with pMF406 plasmids. Electroporation of Recombinant plasmid into Mycobacterium mc2155. At the same time, pMF406 empty plasmids were electrotransferred into mc2155 as control. After subcellular localization of the two proteins, the minimum inhibitory concentration (minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC).) of the two proteins against nine commonly used antimicrobial agents was determined by test tube method. On the other hand, 530nm excitation light and 590nm scattering light were used to show the amount of ethidium bromide (Ethidium bromide, EB) absorbed by the cell, and to determine whether the two genes were internal or external efflux EB.. The function of the two genes was further verified by constructing the strain pMF- Rv1273,. Finally, the sensitivity of strain growth to EB was tested to further verify its function. Results Rv1272 and Rv1273 were confirmed as membrane proteins. Compared with the control strains, the recombinant strains containing these two genes had no significant difference in the MIC of the drugs tested, and the efflux of the membrane proteins Rv1272 and Rv1273 to the tested drugs in the recombinant strains was not found. Compared with the control strain, the absorption of EB by strain pMF406-Rv1272 had no significant change. The absorption of pMF406-Rv1273 EB was much higher than that of the control strain, and the absorption of pMF- Rv1273 was similar to that of the control strain EB. In Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis, the growth of the strains containing recombinant plasmids of Rv1272 and Rv1273 were inhibited compared with the control strains. Conclusion Rv1272 and Rv1273 proteins are membrane proteins, and there is no direct relationship between them and drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Rv1272 protein may have no substance transport function, while Rv1273 protein may be a substance transport pump. Moreover, its transport depends on the hydrolytic energy supply of ATP.
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