[Abstract]:The voltage-gated sodium channel site 3 formulation, BmK I, can be used in a dose-dependent manner to induce a spontaneous pain of up to 2 hours, a one-sided thermal pain in excess of 72 hours, bilateral mechanical pain-sensitive and paroxysmal hyperalgesia in excess of 1 week, and the like. The whole mechanism of the peripheral and central signals of the above-mentioned pain-related behavior was studied by means of behavior, pharmacology, immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology. The main results are as follows: I. The mTOR signaling pathway is involved in the peripheral nociceptive information induced by BmK I. Subcutaneous injection of 10. m u.g of BmK I in the sole of the rat, and (1) a double of the DRG and its downstream molecules p70S6K and 4E-BP1 corresponding to the L4-L5 lumbar spine in the rat the side activation; (2) the time course of the pain behavior of the rat corresponds to the time course of the pain behavior of the rat, the signal path reaches the activation peak at 2 hours, and then is gradually recovered; the double-labeled result shows that (3) in the pain state, the active state m The ratio of TOR, p70S6K and 4E-BP1 positive neurons to the type DRG neurons increased significantly, and the cell types of the activated mTOR, p70S6K, and 4E-BP1 immunopositive neurons were also different. The results show that the mTOR signaling pathway has a heavy weight in the transmission coding of the peripheral nociceptive information. The change of the specific gravity of the above cell types also suggests that the voltage-gated sodium channel regulator is unique to the induction of hyperalgesia. peripheral mechanism. The involvement of the spinal mTOR signaling pathway in mediating the induction of BmK I After subcutaneous injection of 10. m u.g of BmK I in the rat's foot, the mTOR and its downstream molecules p70S6K and 4E-BP1 in the L4-L5 lumbar segment of the spinal cord of the rat were both activated bilaterally; (2)1-2 hours reached the activation peak. The results showed that most of the activated mTOR and 4E-BP1 were co-labeled with the neuron marker NeuN, and a small amount of the GFAP co-labeled with the astrocyte marker, Iba-1, and the activated state p70S6K almost all. and (4) intraoral pre-injection of mTOR-specific inhibitor Rapamycin or CCI-779, both of which can be used to relieve spontaneous pain, unilateral thermal pain and bilateral mechanical pain induced by BmK I; it is interesting to (5) inject Ra in 2 hours after injection of BmK I pamycin, which can still be significantly inhibited The results suggest that the activation of mTOR signaling pathway is sensitive to the central nervous element induced by BmK I. The process is essential. The p38 signal path is involved in the BmK I induction. Subcutaneous injection of 10. m u.g of BmK I, (1), the activation of microglia in the spinal cord, can induce the L4-L5 segment of the spinal cord of the spinal cord of the rat. two-side activation of the microglia; (2) the activation of the microglia in the spinal cord is slightly later than that of the signal in the neuron, reaching the activation peak at 4-8 hours, and recovering at 1 day; and (3) the p38 in the same segment also exhibits similar two-sided timing Activation; immune double-label experiments show that (4) the activated state p38 is almost all coincident with the microglial cell marker OX-42; (5)30 minutes before the BmK I injection, the intraoral injection of p38-specific inhibitor SB203580 can be used to relieve the BmK I-induced rat in a dose-dependent manner. side-heat pain-sensitive and bilateral mechanical pain-sensitive; (6) microglia The activation of the cells is also inhibited. The results suggest that microglia may be involved in the mediation of B by the p38 signaling pathway. mK I-induced rat pain behavior. Selective inhibition of p38-dependent microglia activation can alleviate pain central sensitization of sensation, pain relief,4, BmK I induced The primary Somatosensory Cortex (SI) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of the rat primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as the medial dorsal (MD) and the posterior nucleus of the thalamus (Ventral Posterior N), were selected for thalamic-cortical information integration and interaction. In this study,319 neurons were recorded, and BmK I induced by BmK I was studied. The results show that (1) BmK I-induced neuronal responses can be divided into three categories: continuous excitation, continuous type and resting type; (2) BmKI injection results in a change in the flow of information between the brain regions: the medial pathway the amount of information flow to the outer passage is significantly increased; A significant increase in the flow of information from the cortex to the thalamus. The results show that the high-level hub interacts with the information in the brain region Participation in the hyperalgesia induced by BmK I. The BmK I model is a simple model of the neuronal population reaction, perhaps
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