[Abstract]:Respiratory diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which are easily associated with pulmonary encephalopathy, cause disturbance of consciousness. Disturbance of consciousness refers to an obstacle to the recognition and awareness of the surrounding environment and self state. One is characterized by reduced excitement, characterized by lethargy, blurred consciousness, lethargy until coma; and the other is increased excitability. It is characterized by a state of acute dysactivity in the advanced center, including loss of orienteering, disorderly sensation, restlessness, and speech disorder. In addition to respiratory diseases, many other systemic diseases can cause consciousness disorders. Basic diseases accompanied by consciousness disorders are one of the most common clinical emergencies and critically ill. The prevalence of disorders of the disease is on the rise, the critical condition of consciousness disorder is the important cause of death in the pre hospital, emergency and ward, and the early clear cause is the key to the success of the treatment. The causes are more complicated, and the lack of specific clinical manifestations brings great difficulties to early diagnosis and treatment. At present, there are many reports of disturbance of consciousness on the basis of various systemic diseases. However, there are respiratory diseases, current disturbance of consciousness, respiratory disease, or other systemic diseases, or respiratory systems. The coexistence of disease and other systemic diseases is a problem that doctors and emergency doctors in the Department of respiration must face. At present, there are few reports in this area. It is worth the research and discussion of the clinicians.
Objective: to analyze the etiology of respiratory diseases with disturbance of consciousness through clinical data, and to study the clinical characteristics of the patients in order to provide useful clues and help for the patients in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Data and methods: This study collected 66 patients in our hospital from January 2010 to January 2012, and identified 66 cases of respiratory diseases with disturbance of consciousness. 32 of them were female, 34 men were male, the age was 46 years old and the age was 86 years old.
Results: 1, general data: 66 patients were diagnosed with respiratory diseases combined with consciousness disorders, including 32 women (48.48%), 34 males (51.52%), age 46-86 years, average (74.12 + 9.02) years, 65 (65 years of age), accounting for the main body.2 of respiratory diseases with disturbance of consciousness. All 6 patients had a clear cause, including 62 cases of single cause, 93.9% (62/66), two causes 4 cases, 6.1% (4/66), 70 cases of secondary respiratory diseases combined with disturbance of consciousness. 29 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy, accounting for 41.4%, were the main causes of consciousness disorders in patients with respiratory diseases. 11 cases of senile pneumonia, accounting for 15.7%. water electrolyte metabolic turbulence. 7 cases of disorder, accounted for 5 cases of 10.0%. adverse drug reaction, accounting for 4 cases of cerebral infarction in 7.1%., 4 cases of brain metastases in 5.7%. lung cancer, accounting for 4 cases of 5.7%. blood glucose abnormality, accounting for 5.7%. Among them, 3 people with hypoglycemic coma and 1 hyperglycemia, 2 cases of hypertensive encephalopathy, 1 cases of 2.9%. myocardial infarction, 1 thrombus embolism of the lung, 1 cases of septic shock and 1 cases.4 cases two species of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 1 cases of senile pneumonia complicated with water and electrolyte disturbance, 1 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy combined with water electrolyte disturbance, 1 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy combined with hypertensive encephalopathy, 1 cases of senile pneumonia with abnormal blood glucose.3, prognosis and prognosis: the treatment of etiological treatment and symptomatic support, and 5 of consciousness disorders correction, 5 2 cases, 14 cases of death, of which 11 cases of death were caused by a single cause of consciousness and 17.74% (11/62), of which 7 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy, 1 cases of senile pneumonia, 1 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 1 cases of pulmonary thromboembolism, 1 cases of lung cancer and 1 cases of brain metastases. Two causes resulted in the mortality of 3, and the mortality was 75% (3/4), of which, pulmonary encephalopathy was merged. There were 1 cases of disturbance of water and electrolyte metabolism, 1 cases of senile pneumonia combined with water electrolyte metabolic disorder, 1 cases of senile pneumonia and hypertonic coma of diabetes mellitus. Compared with two etiological groups, the difference of mortality was significant (P? 0.05).
Conclusions: 1, the common causes of the disturbance of consciousness of the respiratory system are pulmonary encephalopathy, senile pneumonia, water, electrolyte metabolic disorder, adverse drug reaction, cerebral infarction, brain metastasis of lung cancer and abnormal.2 of blood glucose, many basic diseases of the elderly and high incidence of consciousness disorder. After a delay in diagnosis and treatment, so that the condition is aggravated and death, it should be closely observed the change of the disease. When there is a general state of poor medical treatment in time, we should give a systematic treatment to.3 before the disturbance of consciousness, grasp the principle and indication of the rational application of diuretic and related drugs, emphasize the importance of dietary nursing, and avoid iatrogenic factors to cause consciousness disorder. 4, arterial blood gas, lung CT, blood sugar, electrolytes, brain CT and other auxiliary examination, detailed inquiry of the history and systematic examination of the causes of respiratory diseases with the cause of consciousness are very important.5, respiratory disease associated with the cause of consciousness disorder determination, is the key to successful rescue and treatment, clinical can not only be limited to respiratory diseases. The consciousness obstacle must be widened to find out whether there is.6 in the consciousness disorder caused by other systemic diseases. The two causes of consciousness disorder are compared with one of the causes, the mortality rate is obviously increased.
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