[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the diagnostic value of serum KL-6 level in (ILD) of interstitial lung disease. Methods patients with ILD were collected from April 2013 to April 2014, and other disease groups and healthy controls were selected as negative controls. The level of serum KL-6 was measured by chemiluminescence immunoassay in patients and healthy subjects, and the correlation between serum KL-6 and pulmonary function was analyzed and compared before and after treatment. Results the average concentration of KL-6 was (1 801.86 卤2 831.36) U / mL in ILD group, (267.00 卤124.41) U / m L in other lung disease groups and (201.28 卤81.18) U / m L in healthy control group (n = 64). The mean KL-6 concentration in ILD group was (1 801.86 卤2 831.36) U / m L, and that in other lung diseases group was (267.00 卤124.41) U / m L, and that in healthy control group was (201.28 卤81.18) U / m L, respectively. The sensitivity of KL-6 to diagnose ILD was 83.89, and the best critical point of specificity was 92.2424% Kappa 0.767 (P0.001) .KL-6 was significantly higher in 469.5 Ur / m L.ILD group than in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis. The results of bronchiectasis and healthy subjects (P0.001). ILD subgroup analysis showed that the concentration of KL-6 in patients with alveolar proteinosis was significantly higher than that in patients with cryptogenic pneumonia (COP) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The concentration of KL-6 in CTD-ILD group was significantly higher than that in COP group (P0. 003 + P0. 008). KL-6 concentration and vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second were significantly higher than those in COP group (P0. 003, P0. 008). There was significant negative correlation (P0.001). KL-6 level was consistent with clinical efficacy. Conclusion Serum KL-6 level has high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of ILD, and is related to the severity of the disease and clinical efficacy.
【作者单位】: 南京医科大学鼓楼临床医学院呼吸科;南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院呼吸科;
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