[Abstract]:Objective to investigate and compare the clinical features of non-organic dyspnea and bronchial asthma. Methods 148 patients with dyspnea were included in the department of respiratory medicine, including 74 cases of non-organic dyspnea and 74 cases of bronchial asthma. The diagnostic criteria of non-organic dyspnea and bronchial asthma were determined. The hospital anxiety and depression scale, Nijmegen symptom questionnaire and Ascension Insomnia scale were used to evaluate the symptoms of somatization, effective sleep time and pulmonary function in the two groups. Results systemic symptoms were found in both groups, and psychogenic symptoms were the main manifestation of non-organic dyspnea. The effective sleep time in non-organic dyspnea group was less than that in bronchial asthma group (P0.05), anxiety score, depression score, Nijmegen questionnaire score and Ascension insomnia scale score in non-organic dyspnea group. Forced expiratory volume (forced expiratory volume in one second,FEV1), forced expiratory volume (forced expiratory volume in one second/predict value,FEV1%Pred), forced expiratory volume (forced expiratory volume in one second/predict value,FEV1%Pred), forced vital capacity (forced vital capacity/predict value,) FVC%Pred), the ratio of forced expiratory volume to forced vital capacity (forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity,FEV1%FVC) in the 1st second was significantly higher than that in the asthma group (P0.05), while the forced vital capacity (forced vital capacity,) was significantly higher than that in the asthma group (P0.05). FVC) there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Conclusion non-organic dyspnea is more focused on psycho-psychological symptoms. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia are more pronounced in non-organic dyspnea than in bronchial asthma. In distinguishing non-organic dyspnea from bronchial asthma, the clinician should pay attention to the inquiry of the related medical history, such as emotion, sleep, somatization and other symptoms, perform pulmonary function examination, and recognize the clinical characteristics of the two. To reduce the rate of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, to avoid the waste of medical resources.
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