[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the risk factors of pulmonary infection in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in order to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods the clinical data and treatment process of 670 patients with cerebral hemorrhage from January 2006 to February 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. the risk factors of pulmonary infection in patients with cerebral hemorrhage were statistically analyzed by SPSS13.0 software. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors of cerebral hemorrhage complicated with pulmonary infection. Results there were 88 cases of pulmonary infection in 670 patients with cerebral hemorrhage, the infection rate was 13.13%, sex, smoking and alcoholism had little effect on the occurrence of pulmonary infection, the probability of pulmonary infection in patients with age 70 years old, coma, diabetes mellitus and pulmonary disease was significantly increased (P 0.05). Nasal feeding of gastric tube, the use of glucocorticoids, H2 receptor blockers, antibiotics and hospitalization time of 20 days can increase the probability of pulmonary infection (P 0.05), the use of glucocorticoids, H _ 2 receptor blockers, antibiotics and hospital stay for 20 days can increase the probability of pulmonary infection. Patients with coma, diabetes mellitus, tracheotomy, endotracheal intubation, nasal feeding of gastric tube and treatment with H _ 2 receptor blocker, non-prophylactic use of antibiotics and hospitalization time of 20 days were independent risk factors for pulmonary infection (P0.001). Conclusion in order to reduce the incidence of pulmonary infection and obtain a good prognosis, patients with intracerebral hemorrhage should be treated with active improvement of their own body condition, establishment of good living and eating habits, reduction of hospitalization time, rational use of antibiotics, and strict aseptic principle in invasive operation.
【作者单位】: 贵州省从江县人民医院内科;
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