[Abstract]:CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + regulatory T cells play an important role in maintaining immune balance of body, while Foxp3 is directly related to the function of Treg. A number of studies based on clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that Tregs can treat multiple diseases, including autoimmune diabetes, experimental arthritis, and so on. At present, how to cultivate stable and effective Treggs function is the hot spot of its research. A study team found that Tregs was unstable in inflammatory conditions, easily lost Foxp3 expression, while losing Foxp3 's preTregs to express a significant amount of IL-17, thus worsening the disease response. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze and explore the best solution that can obtain stable Treggs. and to detect relevant markers that are significant in relation to the stability of the Tregs and their associated signal paths. The successful treatment of Treggs I has a certain general significance and provides a new idea for the induction of immune tolerance after transplantation. The total subjects were divided into three parts: the role and mechanism of CD4 + Foxp3 + iTregs induced by the first part of retinoic acid in acute graft versus host disease. Background: Inducible regulatory T cells (iTregs) are believed to be useful in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. However, the latest study found that it was not effective in the acute graft-versus-host disease model because the iTregs function was unstable and easily converted into other cells in vivo, thus losing the immunosuppressive function. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of iTregs on the function and stability of acute graft versus host disease. Objective: To investigate the effect of iTregs on cell function in acute graft versus host disease model. Methods: We used IL-2 and IL-2 to induce iTregs to treat two different models of acute graft versus host disease in mice. In some experiments, the CFSE-labeled Tregs were injected into mice to monitor the stability of the Treggs body. Anti-CD25 antibody was used to antagonize Treggs and observe the survival rate of graft versus host disease model following Treggs observation. Finally, we also monitored the in vitro and in vivo stability and function of iTregs of different protocols. Results: iTregs has a strong function of protecting against host disease of acute graft. This protective effect is achieved by inhibiting the proliferation of CD4 cells, CD8 cells and the killing effect of donor CD8 cells through iTregs. In vivo experiments, we observed that iTregs can maintain stability and continue to function. Finally, our study also found that the iTregs induced by anti-CD3/ CD28 beads had a stronger immune modulatory function than the anti-CD3 envelope-induced iTregs. Conclusion: Only the correct induction amplification protocol can be used to develop the iTreg s with stable state and strong inhibitory function, thus protecting the acute graft anti-host disease. Objective: To study the effect of all-trans retinoic acid on iTreg s function in patients with liver transplantation, and to analyze the effect of all-trans retinoic acid on iTregs function. Methods: We detected the expression of Foxp3 in naive T cells extracted from patients with liver transplantation by means of anti-retinoic acid, IL-2 and all-trans retinoic acid, and detected the function of Foxp3 expression and in vitro amplification. In vitro inhibition of trans-retinoic acid on iTregs was observed by co-culture of CFSE-labeled T-cells with iTregs. At the same time, the anti-host disease model of mouse xenografts was established, and the protective effect of iTregs on the host disease of xenografts and the expression of relevant cytokines were observed from the tail vein. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: All trans retinoic acid can enhance the expression of iTregsFoxp3 and the amplification factor of iTregsFoxp3, and improve the in vivo and in vitro function of iTregs. This study provides a new solution for the practical treatment of iTregs. The stability and functional studies of CD39hi nTreg subpopulations of the third part and their related mechanisms are discussed in this paper. The natural regulatory T cells (nTregs) are considered to be useful in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. However, the study shows that it is easily transformed into Th1 and Th17 cells in an inflammatory environment, thus losing the immunosuppressive function, and CD39 is a surface marker related to the Tregs function, possibly related to the stability of Treggs. Objective: We study the phenotype and stability of CD39hi nTregs and CD39low nTregs in inflammatory environment, and provide experimental basis for clinical use of regulatory T cells with function to induce immune tolerance. Methods: Human CD4 + CD25hrightnTreg was selected and cultured in vitro for 7 days. CD39hi nTreg and CD39low nTreg were selected to add IL-1 MBP or IL-6 for 1 to 3 days, and the obtained nTgs were detected in vivo. The expression levels of STAT1, p-STAT1, STAT3, p-STAT3 were detected by Western blot. and the change of Foxp3 promoter region was analyzed. In vivo experiments were performed using different types of nTregs back-to-lose xenografts against host diseases. Results: CD39hi nTregs has a stronger immunosuppressive function than CD39low nTregs. In vitro experiments, CD39hi nTregs can maintain Foxp3 expression, has stronger ability to inhibit T cell amplification, and CD39low nTregs rapidly lost Foxp3 expression and transformed into Th1 and Th17 cells. In vivo experiments, CD39hi nTregs can protect the body weight of xenografts against host disease and improve survival. Finally, IL-2 can significantly improve the in vivo function and stability of CD39low nTregs, which is related to STAT1, STAT3 phosphorylation and DNA methylation level. Conclusion: The stability of nTregs is related to the expression of CD39, and the sorting of CD39hinTreggs after Treggs in vitro can improve cell function and stability.
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