本文选题:度洛西汀 + 心脑宁胶囊 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: To observe the effect and clinical effect of duloxetine and Xin nnning Capsule on the cognitive function of patients with late onset depression. Methods: according to the exclusion criteria, 70 cases of late onset depression in Second Hospital Affiliated to Lanzhou University in August 2015, December, -2016 (case group), restricted randomized grouping combined group (duloxi) Tine and Xin nnning capsule) and Western medicine group (duloxetine), before and after treatment for 2,4,8,12 weekend, the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD-24) was used to assess the depressive degree and drug side reaction scale to assess the adverse reaction. The cognitive function assessment (Digital breadth, meaningless graphic recognition, connection test, digital character) before and twelfth weekend treatment was evaluated. Number, Wisconsin card classification test, word color interference test, vocabulary fluency test, and daily living capacity scale assessment. The cognitive function and daily living ability of 50 healthy elderly people (normal control group) were selected according to the standard of entry group. The cognitive function and daily living ability of the pre treatment and normal control group were compared. The effect of combination group and Western Medicine Group on cognitive function and adverse reaction; compare the cognitive function and daily life ability of the combined group and the normal control group after treatment. Results: 1. before treatment, the case group was in the digital breadth - CIS back, no meaningful graphic recognition, digital symbols, digital breadth - back, WCST complete classification, stroop-c, stroop-cw, fluency of vocabulary. The score of cognitive function test, such as sex test, was lower than that of the normal control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.01); the WCST random error number, the WCST continuous error number, the connection test A, the connection test B, and the ADL score were all higher than those of the normal control group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.01) and the results of the repeated measurement of variance analysis of.2.HAMD24 score showed: in group and in group The difference was statistically significant (P0.05 or P0.01); there was no interaction between time and group (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the HAMD24 score between the combination group and the western medicine group at the end of the group 2,4 weekend (P0.05). The HAMD24 score of the combined group was lower than that in the western medicine group (P0.05). The effective rate of the combined group was high. In the western medicine group (91.43%vs.71.43%), the difference was statistically significant (P0.05), and the difference in recovery rate (28.57%vs.20.00%) was not statistically significant (P0.05) for the twelfth weekend of.3. treatment. In the group, the combined group digital breadth - CIS back, no meaningful graphic recognition, digital symbols, digital breadth - back, WCST complete classification, stroop-c, stroop-cw, vocabulary fluency test The scores were all higher than before the treatment, WCST random error number, WCST continuous error number, line test A, line test B, ADL score were lower than before treatment, the difference was significant (P0.01); the western medicine group digital breadth - CIS back, no meaningful graphic recognition, digital symbol, digital breadth - back score were higher than before treatment, connection test A, connection test B, ADL score below treatment Before, the difference was significant (P0.01), the number of WCST completed, the number of WCST random errors, the number of WCST continuous errors, stroop-c, stroop-cw, and the vocabulary fluency test score was not statistically significant (P0.05). The twelfth weekend, the group comparison, the combined group digital symbols, the digital breadth back, the WCST complete classification, stroop-c, stroop-cw, and the vocabulary. The fluency test scores were higher than the western medicine group, the WCST random error number, the WCST continuous error number, the connection test B, and the ADL score lower than the western medicine group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05 or P0.01), the digital breadth - CIS back, the non sense graphic recognition, the connection test A and the western medicine group, the difference was not statistically significant (P0.05).4. treatment twelfth weekend, the combined group number Word breadth - CIS back, nonsense graphic recognition, digital breadth - back, WCST complete classification, stroop-c, stroop-cw, the vocabulary fluency test scores were lower than the normal control group, the line test A, the WCST random error number, the WCST continuous error number, the connection test B, the ADL score higher than the normal control group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.01 or P0.05); the difference was statistically significant (P0.01 or P0.05); the difference was statistically significant (P0.01 or P0.05); the statistical significance was statistically significant (P0.01 or P0.05); the statistical significance was statistically significant There was no significant difference between the score of group digital symbols and the normal control group (P0.05) there was no significant difference in the frequency of adverse events between the.5. combined group and the western medicine group (x 2=0.467, P0.05). Conclusion: 1. the patients with late onset depression have short time memory, attention, executive function and other cognitive dysfunction.2. degrees luoxetine combined heart NanNin capsule and single The use of luoxetine is effective in the treatment of late onset depression. The safety of.3. combined with cardio NanNin capsule is more significant than that of single use luoxetine in the treatment of LOD. It is more significant for the improvement of cognitive impairment in continuous attention, attention to conversion and executive function.
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