[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of family members and doctors in rehabilitation training for autistic children. Methods: 66 autistic children were randomly divided into treatment group and control group according to the number produced by computer in the order of admission. The treatment group was given intensive therapy: family rehabilitation education (after parental training) drug acupuncture rehabilitation training. The control group was treated with routine therapy: drug acupuncture rehabilitation training for 6 months. Autism Diagnostic Assessment scale (cars) and Autism Children Psychological Education rating scale (PEP-3) were used before and after treatment. Results: the therapeutic effect of the treatment group was better than that of the control group in the aspects of imitation, cognition, language understanding, language expression of 4 PEP-3 items and cars total score. The curative effect of the treatment group was better than that of the control group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the treatment group and the control group in large muscle and small muscle (P 0.05). Conclusion: it is important for the family members to participate in the rehabilitation treatment of autism, especially in the aspects of imitation, cognition, language understanding and language expression. Therefore, the family members should be trained in the rehabilitation treatment of autism. To make them participate in rehabilitation therapy is an important link in rehabilitation treatment of autism.
【作者单位】: 陕西中医药大学;西安中医脑病医院;
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