[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE: Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is hydrolyzed by beta-secretase and gamma-secretase to release a beta peptide. A beta peptide is the core component of amyloid plaque. Its excessive production or aggregation is considered to be the main cause of Alzheimer's disease. APP protein also has another non-amyloid protein processing pathway, in which it is processed by alpha-secretase and gamma-secretase. Continuous hydrolysis of gamma-secretase. As the APP site of alpha-secretase is located within the A-beta peptide, the production of A-beta peptide can be reduced. At present, it has been confirmed that disintegrin and metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10) are constitutive APP-secretases of neurons. However, it is unclear how the deletion of ADAM10 affects the function of adult neurons. In order to investigate the effects of ADAM10 gene deletion on APP metabolism and learning and memory in adult brain neuron-specific ADAM10 knockout mice (ADAM10cKO), we established a model in our laboratory.
METHODS: The genotypes of ADAM10cKO mice were identified by PCR. The homozygous mice were used for follow-up study. According to conventional histological methods, the brains of ADAM10cKO mice and wild type C57BL/6J mice (WT) were taken and fixed, dehydrated, transparent, paraffin embedded, sliced and stained with HE. The brain of ADAM10cKO mice and A DAM10Fl/Fl control mice aged 7,9,11,12,13 and 15 months were fixed, dehydrated, transparent, paraffin embedded, sectioned and immunohistochemical stained to observe the changes of amyloid beta (Abeta) in the brain. The protein of cortex and hippocampus of ADAM10 cKO mice and ADAM10 Fl/Fl mice aged 20 months were extracted respectively. The content of APP and A beta peptide was quantitatively determined by Western blotting. The effect of ADAM10 gene deletion on APP metabolism was analyzed. The learning and memory abilities of the two groups were evaluated by detecting the escape latency, the percentage of time spent in the target quadrant (the quadrant where the platform was originally placed) and the number of times crossed the platform in one minute.
Results: The results of HE staining showed that the morphological structure of cerebral cortex and hippocampus of ADAM10cKO mice aged 3,6,9 and 12 months had no obvious abnormality, but the number of neurons in the fifth cortex decreased with the increase of age, and the decrease of neurons in hippocampus was more obvious. Compared with A DAM10Fl/Fl control mice of the same age, there was no amyloid plaque in cerebral cortex and hippocampus, but soluble A-beta peptide in neurons increased in an age-dependent manner. Compared with mice, the content of mature and immature full-length APP protein in hippocampus decreased by 73.0% and 62.3% (P? 0.01), but the content of mature and immature full-length APP protein did not change significantly in cerebral cortex; the total content of Abeta peptide in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of ADAM10cKO mice increased by 20.45% and 27.21% (P 0.05 and P 0.01), respectively, and Abeta 1-3 in cortex. The contents of 8, A-beta-1-40 and A-beta-42 peptides increased by 32.85%, 25.37% and 80.95% (P 0.05, P 0.05 and P 0.01), respectively. The contents of A-beta-38, A-beta-40 and A-beta-42 peptides in hippocampus increased by 41.67%, 38.36% and 22.22% (P?0.05), respectively. The results of water maze experiment showed that the average latency of ADAM-10 cKO mice was longer than that of WT mice. During the test period, ADAM 10cKO mice and WT mice crossed the platform fewer times on average, and the percentage of average dwell time in the target quadrant was lower (P?0.05).
CONCLUSION: The deletion of ADAM10 gene results in a significant decrease in the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of adult mice. APP content has no change in the cerebral cortex, but decreased significantly in the hippocampus, possibly due to excessive loss of neurons in the hippocampus. Main cause.
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