[Abstract]:Aim: to observe the effects of autonomic exercise, forced exercise and functional electrical stimulation on learning and memory and synaptic plasticity in hippocampus of vascular dementia (VD) rats. Methods: adult male Wistar rats weighing 250-300g were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 10% chloral hydrate (300mg/kg) and the vascular dementia model was established by permanent ligation of bilateral common carotid arteries. The rats were adapted to the wheel for 3 days (excluding rats who could not reach 270 m per day). The rats were divided into sham-operation group, model group, autonomous exercise group, forced exercise group and functional electrical stimulation group with 8 rats in each group. In sham-operation group, bilateral common carotid artery was exposed only, but not ligated, rats were placed in cage free movement after operation, model group: VD model was made by permanent ligation of bilateral common carotid artery, and rats were placed in cage free movement after operation. In the autonomous exercise group, the rats moved freely on the running wheel (31.8 cm in diameter, 10 cm in width and 100 g in gravity) after one week of modeling. The number of runs was recorded by sensors, 270 cycles per day; In the forced exercise group, the rats exercised on the electric running wheel (31.8 cm in diameter, 40 cm in length, 9r/min in rotational speed) for 30 minutes after 1 week, while the functional electrical stimulation group began the treatment after 1 week, induced the forelimbs to move with 9m/min, and treated for 30 minutes every day. After 14 days of treatment, the learning and memory abilities of the above five groups were tested by novelty recognition experiment. The Western blot technique was used to detect the expression of SYP PSD-95 and MAP-2TAU protein in hippocampus of rats. The changes of microtubule binding proteins in hippocampal CA1 region were detected by immunohistochemical staining. Results: (1) novelty recognition experiment: at the training stage, there was no significant difference in the search index of the two same objects in each group. The cognitive index of novelty in forced exercise group and functional electrical stimulation group was significantly different from that in model group (P0.05), and the cognitive index of novelty in autonomic exercise group was higher than that in compulsive exercise group and functional electrical stimulation group. The difference was significant (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the functional electrical stimulation group and the forced exercise group. (2) the expression level of SYN-SYP PSD-95 and MAP-2 TAU protein in the hippocampal area: the autonomic exercise group. The expression of SYP protein in the forced exercise group and the functional electrical stimulation group was significantly higher than that in the model group (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups in functional electrical stimulation group, autonomic exercise group and forced exercise group, but there was no significant difference in the expression of SYP protein among the above five groups. Conclusion: autonomic exercise, forced exercise and motor induced by functional electrical stimulation can promote the recovery of learning and memory ability in VD rats. The possible mechanism of exercise training is to promote the expression of SYNPSD-95 MAP-2TAU protein in hippocampus and improve synaptic plasticity in hippocampus.
【作者单位】: 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院康复医学科;中山大学附属第六医院康复医学科;中山市人民医院康复医学科;广东三九脑科医院神经康复科;十堰市太和医院康复医学科;深圳市南山区人民医院康复医学科;
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