[Abstract]:For most complex networks, whether they are social networks, economic networks or biological networks, they are potentially modular and are considered as one of the main organizational principles of complex networks. Graph theory provides us with a quantitative analysis method for complex networks. The human brain can also be abstracted into complex networks. Each brain region can be abstracted as a node, and if there is a functional correlation between the brain region and the brain region, the functional correlation between the brain regions can be abstracted into a single edge. Community structure is one of the basic properties of complex networks. By analyzing the community properties of networks, the structural properties and functional relationships of brain networks can be understood. In this paper, the low frequency fluctuation component of fMRI signal is analyzed synchronously, and the brain functional connection network is constructed, and the module partition algorithm based on "heap structure" is proposed. In order to explore the abnormal nature and connection of brain network in depression patients, correlation analysis methods such as community structure and topological role of nodes in graph theory are used to analyze the brain functional connectivity network in resting state. Through the experimental analysis, it is found that there are significant differences in the association structure and the role of the brain node between the depression patients and the normal people, and these differences may be the underlying causes leading to the occurrence of depression. First of all, our experiments show that there are significant differences in the degrees of brain network modules between normal and depressed patients compared with random networks. In the range of sparsity from 2.5% to 10%, there was no significant difference in AUC, between the two groups, but there was a significant difference in modularity under a given network sparsity (5% or 7%). Secondly, for healthy group, depression group and comparable random network, the modularity (Modularity) decreased monotonously with the increase of brain network sparsity. In a certain threshold space, modularity is a minus function of the number of edges. When the network is on the thinnest 100 edges, the modularity is the highest. Thirdly, the concepts of "small nuclei" and "affinity" are introduced. Fourth, the experiment shows that there are differences between the two groups of corresponding modules, the role of the node in the brain region and the role of the module. The discovery of these differences provides us with some important research and clinical application value in disease diagnosis. Finally, the global brain attribute modularity Q and the Z and P values of 90 nodes are selected to select the nodes with better classification performance. Finally, the classifier is constructed by training these attributes. In this study, the top 10 attribute nodes were selected, and 70% of the sample size was randomly selected to train these attributes to construct the classifier. Finally, the remaining 30% sample size was used to test them. The test results show that the correct rate of classification is over 90%.
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