[Abstract]:In this paper, eye movement tracking technique was used to investigate the relative role of perceptual cues and social cues in the vocabulary acquisition of children with autism spectrum disorders under three experimental conditions: baseline, consistency and contradiction. The results of behavioral data show that these children choose boring objects as the target of new and different words under contradictory conditions, which indicates that social cues have an advantage over perceptual cues. They choose interesting object as the target of new and different words under baseline and consistent condition, and the result of word acquisition of consistent condition is better than that of baseline condition, which indicates that social cues are more effective than perceptual cues. The results of eye movement data showed that there were differences in facial gaze pattern and line of sight following behavior between these children and normal children. This shows that although social cues play the same relative role in the acquisition of words between such children and ordinary children, their ways of obtaining social information are different from those of ordinary children.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学教育学院;华东师范大学学前与特殊教育学院;
【基金】:“自闭症语言认知与干预绩效的实验研究”(项目编号:06BYY18) 2010年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目:“儿童书面语言获得的认知机制”(项目编号:10XJA880006)资助
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