[Abstract]:In our daily lives, we all experience itching, transient, chronic delay, skin manifestation, or itching no location. Acute itching is an organism's protective mechanism that allows people to avoid harm and danger, or early detection of disease; Chronic itching loses its protective effect, leading to sleep disorders, bad mood, loss of interest, lack of pleasure, and over time, can lead to anxiety, depression and other negative emotions, or even suicide. On the other hand, people with chronic stress or mental disorders such as anxiety and depression can also induce or aggravate all kinds of pruritus skin diseases, such as
【作者单位】: 第四军医大学人体解剖学教研室暨梁挾琚脑研究中心;武警内蒙古总队医院神经内科;锦州医科大学医疗学院;
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